Long Days

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"I can't fucking believe this!" Hailey was visibly fuming, slamming her hands down. The look on Amber's face as she walked in the house in her pink dress burned in to Hailey's brain. 

"Hails." Kolby replied, looking over at her.

She was quiet after that, staring out the window of the passenger side of his old truck. She didn't stay to hear the story. Or for dinner. She didn't even say a single word. She looked in to Brantley's gleaming green eyes and walked right out the front door. Kolby trailing shortly after her as Becky stood in her spot, unwavering. Becky was kind to Brantley and Amber, but only because there were guests in her home. Lord knows that she was about to tan his hide and leave it blowing in the wind after everyone left. Her fake smile to hold it in said it all. 

Hailey sighed, laying her head against the headrest, closing her eyes. Kolby continued down the backroads. The truck cam to a halt a couple minutes later as Kolby pulled in to his driveway. He put the truck in park and cut the engine, peering over at her. Hailey rolled her head to the left, opening her eyes to look at him. She swallowed hard, fighting back tears. 

"Come on." Kolby said gently, gesturing his head towards the house. Hailey scooted across the gray cloth bench seat and hopped out of the driver's side door. Kolby shut it, fishing his house keys out of the pocket of his torn up jeans. Hailey followed closely behind, blinking back as many tears as she could to stop them from streaming down her cheeks. The two of them stepped in to the living room, Kolby shutting and locking the door behind him. Hailey stood there, pushing the tendrils of brown hair that fell in her face out of the way. Kolby reached down and lifted her chin, his eyes meeting hers. That's when it happened. She let all of the pent up emotions go. Hailey stood there, tears freely flowing. A string of angry cuss words falling from her pink lips. Stinging her heart as they came out. Kolby stood there, towering over her, letting her do what she needed to. 

"Ughhhh." Hailey screamed out, her voice unrecognizable. She was a southern lady through and through. Until she was angry. 

Kolby leaned forward, pulling her in to him. She began to resist, then gave up. She was running out of steam. The house was silent. 

Kolby spoke up when he knew it was safe to. "Why don't you go wash your face and find a pair of my sweats to throw on. You can stay in the guest room tonight." Hailey went to protest, but Kolby put his right hand up, stopping her in her tracks. "I am not leaving you alone tonight. Either you go do as I say or I am taking your little butt home and staying there myself. Your choice." 

Hailey looked up at him. His blue eyes searching hers. She finally hung her head low and walked passed him heading toward the bathroom. Kolby nodded his head, happily. Hailey flipped the light switch by the door in the bathroom. She got a glimpse of herself in the mirror hanging on the wall above the sink. Oooof. She was a hot mess. Emphasis on the mess. She cupped her hands under the faucet and splashed some cool water on her face to try and diminish the look of her red complexion. She reached up turning off the water, grabbing for a hand towel nearby to pat her face dry. There was a knock on the wooden door. She peered to her right as it opened.

"Here." Kolby handed her a white t-shirt and some black sweats that would need to be rolled over a million times. Hailey smiled at him and he closed the door, walking back out in to the kitchen. She could hear the coffee pot brewing. The smell wafting down the hallway toward her. She quickly changed and folded up her coral dress, placing it on the bench behind her. She opened the bathroom door again and headed out to Kolby. He was sitting at his dining table, two mugs in front of him. Steam pouring out of them in to the air. Hailey pulled out a chair and plopped down in it. Kolby slid the mug of hot coffee in her direction. She gladly obliged, taking a long sip of the sweet vanilla liquid swirling around in the cup. 

"She must be the best sex he has ever had in his life. Why else would he ask her to marry him after I told him what I saw?" Hailey asked rhetorically. They had been sitting there for an hour now. Kolby letting her rant as much as she needed. She went from angry, to sad, to laughing hysterically. And now she was back to anger. She was losing her best friend to that good for nothing cheater, and she had no idea what to do. 

Kolby snorted at that comment, standing up. He grabbed his empty mug and hers, placing them gingerly in the stainless steel sink behind him. Hailey smiled, yawning. 

"Why don't you get some sleep. It's been a very long day." Kolby eyed her, as he leaned against the counter. 

Hailey agreed. Rest would do her some good. Although, she didn't know if she would be able to fall asleep with everything running rampid through her head. She got up, walking over to give Kolby a giant hug before heading to the guest room. He squeezed her tight as she thanked him for everything. She was about to walk away, when his big hand reached out and grabbed on to her right arm. Hailey spun around on her heel. Kolby didn't hesitate. He leaned down, reaching for her chin with his free hand. He captured Hailey's lips with his. The sensation of the touch radiating down Hailey's body. She wanted to stop him again like she had earlier before going to Mama Becky's, but she didn't budge. 

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