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The trees whizzed by them like a freight train on a mission. Brantley made sure to hit every single mud hole and body of water, big and small. Hailey held on tight around his muscular torso, laughing and screaming like a banshee. His black tee hanging off her small frame. His sweat pants and mud boots looking ridiculous on her. She didn't have a care in the world. They came to a clearing about a three miles in. The tall grass blowing in the beautifully warm breeze. The mountains showcased in the background. It was breathtaking. Brantley slowed and put the four wheeler in park, cutting the engine. 

"This is beautiful, B." Hailey replied, taking off her silver helmet. He did the same, placing it on the front of the ATV. 

"I come out here for the quiet, just to think sometimes." 

Hailey sat for a minute, staring at the back of his head as they stayed still. Nothing but the wind moving. 

"Do you bring Amber here?" She asked in a soft tone.

"No. You're the first person I've shown." Brantley answered, swiveling in his seat to look down at her. 

Hailey placed her hand on her chest, feigning shock. "I must be special." 

Brantley chuckled, hopping off the four wheeler. He reached out his hand, helping her off as well. They stood there leaning against it, just watching. Birds flying around. No sound of any vehicles and no highway for miles and miles. It really was a sight to see. 

After what felt like an eternity, Hailey spoke up. "B, do you promise me you won't get angry if I ask you something?" 

"I could never be mad at you little one." He turned his gaze to look at her once more. 

 "Why are you with her?" 

Brantley's face fell, his features softening. "You heard our conversation last night, didn't you?" 

Hailey didn't respond with words, just a nod of the head, focusing on the tips of the mountains in the distance.

"Hails, I'm sorry. She just needs some time to come around. That's all. I love her. A lot." 

Hailey looked up at him and turned around, grabbing her helmet. She placed it on her head and hopped on the back seat. "Come on, cowboy. Let's get back home so I can clean up." 

Brantley did as he was told, hitting those same mud holes on the way through.

He pulled up alongside the garage. He turned it off and got up. He helped Hailey so that she wouldn't trip with his camo muck boots on. She took off her helmet once more, walking in to the garage. She left her shoes and helmet by the entryway and went in, closing the dark oak door behind her. Brantley sighed, running his hands through his beard. He tinkered around with some tools and his bike before he joined Hailey inside. 

It was about dinner time. Hailey had showered and found a fresh pair of Brantley's sweats to replace the muddy ones. They were sitting on the taupe leather couch in the livingroom watching a movie. He was on one side, she was sprawled out. Her head in his lap. He twirled her chocolate brown hair with his rough hands, almost putting her to sleep. 

"Getting hungry?" He raised an eyebrow as her stomach started making gurgling noises. 

"Yes." She replied, placing her hand on it, hoping that would stop the sound. 

"Why don't I make us something?" He asked, shifting to get up. 

"I love you and your cooking, I really do. But how about we just order pizza or something?" 

"Are you saying I can't cook?" He looked down at her, her blue eyes smiling. 

"What if I am?" She challenged him. 

"Well then I would say thems fightin' words." He proclaimed, beginning to tickle her. 

"B!" She screeched, falling in to fits of laughter. He continued to tickle her like that for a few more minutes, before the sound of the door closing made them both jump and look in that direction. 

"Why don't you two just get a room already." Kolby rolled his eyes, walking by them toward the kitchen. 

"Ewww." Hailey sat up quickly, fixing her shirt as Brantley gave her a hurt look. 

"We were just about to order pizza. You want in?" Hailey asked Kolby, who was rummaging through the stainless steel fridge like it was a scavenger hunt. 

"Ya'll are buying." Kolby closed it, handing her the phone to call. 

About 45 minutes later, they were sitting around the island on bar stools, stuffing their faces. Hailey finished up and decided to go home to get some sleep. She was exhausted from the weekend. 

As her tail lights lit up the front of the house, Kolby peered over at Brantley. "Why haven't you hopped on that yet? Stop fooling around with Amber or whatever you call what you two are doing. Hails is a good girl, bro." 

"If you think so, then why don't you go for it?" Brantley practically spat back at him, clearly annoyed. 

"Maybe I will." Kolby challenged, leaving Brantley standing in the driveway. 

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