Hard Pill to Swallow

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"I didn't know you were staying the whole week." Her southern drawl hooking on the last word.

"Neither did I, but here I am." Hailey half joked, receiving a snort at her response. 

"Brantley, baby. Can I talk to you? " Amber swiveled on her heel. Brantley walked up next to her, rubbing his beard. 

"Uh sure. Hailey, please don't wait for us to eat." He replied, looking over in to Hailey's blue eyes. 

She gave him an expression as if to say that she hadn't planned on it. She plated up three very large, hot pieces of cheese pizza and sat down at the dining table. She walked back to the counter, reaching for the bottle of white moscato. Hailey was definitely going to need this if she was forced to put up with the shit show that was bound to go down tonight. There were hushed whispers coming from the stairway that led to the loft. Hailey took a few bites of her food, when Brantley came in to the kitchen, rubbing his hands up and down his face. He looked like he just went ten rounds with a bear and the bear won. 

"What's up?" Hailey inquired, peering at him from her seat at the table. 

Brantley shook his head before he spoke. "How do you feel about taking my truck home in the morning while I stay here with Amber?"

"Funny." Hailey laughed. 

"I'm not kidding, Hails. Amber thinks it would be better if it were just the two of us the last two days or so." Brantley swallowed, averting his eyes from Hailey's direction. 

Hailey dropped her slice of pizza on her plate, wiping her hands on the white paper towel. She pushed her hands against the table, sending her chair back. She stood up, walking up to him. Her body so close to his that he could feel her breath against his chest. 

"Fuck you." Hailey breathed, glaring up at him under his baseball cap. She pushed passed him, walking down the hallway to the guest bedroom. The door slammed, causing Brantley to wince at the sound. A few minutes later, Hailey emerged with her leather duffel bag slung over her shoulder. A black sweatshirt with the hood up, she walked right in to the foyer. She reached for the keys on the silver key hook and walked straight out the front door, never looking back. 

Hailey unlocked his truck, opening the driver's side door. She heaved her duffel across the seat to the passenger side. She pulled herself up and slammed the door. She started the engine, listening to it roar in the darkness before taking off slowly down the two mile gravel driveway. 

Hailey sat on Becky's back deck, sipping on some homemade sweet tea with extra lemon slices. Kolby in his spot at the grill, turning over the bbq chicken and veggies. Smoke wafting up in to the air as he opened the lid. Taylor had to go in to Atlanta to do some buying for the boutique this afternoon. Hailey's Mama on a mini getaway with her current boyfriend. Becky was sitting peacefully in the rocking chair next to her, watching her son. Hailey took another sip of her tea, when Becky spoke up. 

"I am planning an engagement party for Brantley and Amber." Her words cutting through Hailey like a knife. Hailey didn't answer at first. Kolby peering over from where he was standing.

"Mama, with all due respect, but why in the world are you doing this? I mean, none of us support this." Kolby replied, slightly annoyed. 

"Because he is my son. Just like I support you and all of your cotton pickin' ideas." Becky smiled with a warning expression. Kolby nodded in acknowledgement and finished up cooking their dinner. 

Becky placed her left hand over Hailey's, squeezing it a little. "I know he would really love it if you were there." 

"Mama Becky, it's more complicated than you can even fathom." Hailey shook her head. 

"Knowing my son, I can imagine. But you are his best friend. Please, love. If not for him, then for me. Because I need someone to stop me from squashing the snake in the grass, if you catch my drift." Becky eyed her. 

Hailey giggled and sighed. "Ok, but let it be known it's because I would love to see you with your squashing boots on." 

"That's my girl." She patted Hailey's hand and stood up, smoothing out her mint green sundress. "I was planning for next week, since they seem to be in a rush to the alter." 

"What do you mean?" Hailey asked, turning her head to face Becky. 

"Well, the wedding is at the end of next month." 

Hailey's heart sank. Kolby stopped what he was doing as he turned around to look at her. Hailey offered him a half hearted smile and took another sip of her tea. That was one hard pill she just swallowed. 

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