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The warm sun peeked through the tan blinds of the bedroom, displaying Hailey's face in the beautiful light. Kolby leaned down and softly woke her up, asking if she was going to church with him. She placed her right hand to her head, taking a minute to look around. She was in his bed, curled up in the very cozy camo comforter. After they kissed in the kitchen last night, Kolby asked her to stay with him in his bed. She had agreed. He may have been a little rough and tumble around the edges, but he was a great cuddler. That's where it stopped. Just a kiss and some cuddling. 

"Hails?" He asked, towering over her. 

"Ugh. Yeah, I'm coming. Mama will hunt me down if I don't." Hailey groaned, rolling out of bed in the t-shirt and sweat pants Kolby had handed to her the night before. "I only have the coral dress I wore yesterday."

"We don't have time to stop by your house so that is going to have to work." Kolby replied, turning around. 

Hailey stood up slowly, making her way to the bathroom where her maxi dress was still folded up neatly on the wooden bench. She shut the door, washing her face and making her hair as presentable as possible. She threw it up in a high bun. Her gold hoops adorning her ears once more. She slid on the gold sandals and buckled them around her ankles. Kolby was waiting in the living room for her in a nice button down plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up halfway. Not a tear or rip in sight in his dark wash jeans. His nice boots on. He sure did clean up well. 

"Ready." Hailey gestured, twirling around. 

"Even more pretty than yesterday." Kolby smiled, standing up off the couch. A slight blush creeped along her cheeks. He opened the front door and held it for her. They hopped in ol' trusty rusty and headed out to church. 

A few minutes later, Kolby was taking the turn in to the church parking lot at a snail's pace, trying not to hit the little old couple that was walking from the sidewalk. He pulled in to a parking space and cut the engine. He hopped out, running around to get the passenger door for Hailey. 

"You really should get that fixed." Hailey laughed, pointing at the door.

"Well, then I wouldn't be seen as a gentleman opening a door." Kolby responded, sticking his tongue out jokingly. Hailey pushed him lightly and the two headed in to the church. Mama Becky and Brantley were in the last pew. Hailey's Mama was in front of them, Taylor sitting beside her. No sign of Amber anywhere. Taylor turned when she heard footsteps getting close to them. 

'Oh my word.' She mouthed, her eyes wide. Hailey placed her pointer finger to her lips, hushing Taylor. Kolby sat down next to Brantley. Hailey walked a few steps more and sat down between her mama and Taylor. Brantley looked up as Hailey sat down. 

Taylor leaned over. "Walk of shame outfit?" She asked a little too loudly. Brantley's knuckles tightening when he heard Taylor question Hailey. He looked over at Kolby like he could kill him. Kolby didn't move or say a word. He stayed seated, looking ahead at the front of the church. Hailey shook her head no, but Taylor could tell by the facial expression that she wasn't telling her everything. Taylor eyed Brantley behind them and dropped the subject for now. Hailey had a lot of explaining to do. 

As usual, Mama Becky asked Hailey's mother to coffee and a pastry at Schmidt's. Taylor offered to give Hailey a ride home. Kolby was on his way to his truck, when a strong hand stopped him . He whirled around, coming face to face with Brantley. 

"What's going on here?" Brantley asked, a low growl evident in his rough voice. 

"What do you mean?" Kolby inquired, looking around. 

"You know exactly what I mean." He settled his hands across his chest tightly. 

"What does it matter?" Kolby challenged, shifting his stance. 

Brantley balled his fists up. But he knew better than to start something at church. He released them and put his arms down by his side. 

"You know what. It doesn't." He copped a huge attitude, shaking his head. He opened the door to his jacked up Ford and slammed it shut. He took off toward his house. 

Taylor unlocked the doors to her red jeep. The two girls jumped in. "You have a lot of explaining to do, missy." Taylor looked over at Hailey, pointing a finger at her. 

Hailey sighed, lowering herself in to the passenger seat. She wasn't sure how she was going to explain anything when she had no idea what was happening. 

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