Last Night

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It was nearing the end of what turned out to be a glorious trip. They had dinner plans after a long day of four wheeling along the beach and through a couple trails that led to a beautiful waterfall. A hidden gem that no one would have ever known existed otherwise. 

Hailey showered inside while Brantley opted to take a quick swim in the cool water of the ocean one last time. She hopped out and got dressed. Opting for a plain black tube top and white flowy pants that she found in a little shop in town, Hailey dried and straightened her chocolate brown hair that was desperately in need of a trim when they got back home. She tucked a piece behind her ear, showcasing the gold druzy studs that she was wearing. A pair of leopard print slip on sandals and a black clutch finished off her look. She walked out to the living room. Brantley was adjusting his classic black jeans and white t-shirt. The black baseball hat pulled down low over his eyes. His leather cuffs and silver rings adorning his wrists and hands. He looked up, stopping as he caught a glimpse of Hailey out of the corner of his eye. 

"You look stunning." He said, straightening himself. 

"Are you sure? I mean, we could be twins right now. It's not too weird?" Hailey questioned, looking between the both of them. 

Brantley chuckled. "It's fine. I promise. Plus, you're butt is looking pretty good in those pants. I'd hate for you to change." He smirked. 

Hailey rolled her eyes, batting her eyelashes that were perfectly curled with mascara. "Well thank you." 

Brantley made sure he had his wallet and cell phone in his back pockets, before closing the door behind them. They walked around the bungalow to the lower part of the dock that held stairs in to the water. A small blue and white boat with a man was pulled up against the stairs as close as he could could. 

"Mr. Gilbert. Mrs. Gilbert." The man greeted them. Hailey was about to interject and correct him on her name, but didn't. Brantley raised an eyebrow at her. She blushed slightly, matching the pink of the sky. 

They boarded the boat and the gentleman took off slowly toward a very small island that was around the bend. Hailey gazed out over the ocean, taking in the breathtaking view as best as she could. It was like a dream. She never wanted to leave. 

The boat ride last about ten minutes, as they pulled alongside another dock. Brantley got out first, reaching a hand out to Hailey. They thanked the driver and made their way down to the beach. Music coming from a covered area. As they got closer, Hailey took a sharp breath in. There was a live band playing in the corner. Various sized tables spread out all along the shore line right in the sand. Clear backed chairs lining them. There were tiki torches scattered around. The smell of the food wafting through the warm air, making her mouth water. It was perfect. 

They were shown to their table immmediately. Hailey ordered some fruity concoction, while Brantley opted for iced water with a wedge of lemon. Hailey's eyes grazed over the menu and landed just above it on Brantley's face. He was looking over his as well and didn't notice right away. 

As he looked up, he did a double take. "What?" He laughed, getting a little shy. 

"You are wonderful, Mr. Gilbert. Thank you." Hailey placed her menu on the table and looked seriously at him. 

"Thank you for what?" His expression turning to one of confusion. 

"For everything." 

"Yeah, well. Don't thank me until you see what I have planned for tonight." He raised both eyebrows for emphasis. 

Hailey swatted at him as the waitress came up to take their orders. 

They had just finished up dinner, Hailey devouring every last bite of her fish tacos. The waitress brought over another drink for Hailey and some more water for Brantley, along with a dessert menu. 

"Do you want to share something?" She asked him innocently. 

"Sure. You pick." He smiled, staring over at her. 

Hailey scanned the menu and ordered the tiramisu, her favorite. As the waitress walked away, Brantley cleared his throat. 

"There's something I want to talk to you about." 

Hailey stopped watching the boats out in the water and snapped her head toward him. Those words were deadly. 

"What about?" She questioned, unsure if she wanted to know the answer. 

"Well," He replied, adjusting his position so that he was now leaning forward with his hands on the table. "What we are going to do when we get home." 

"What do you mean?" Hailey shook her head, not really catching on to what he was saying. 

"Hails. These last two weeks have been phenomenal. And dare I say, the best love making of my life. I wouldn't want the company of anyone else....." 

He paused as the waitress came back with the tiramisu and their drinks. Hailey politely thanked her, sitting there waiting patiently for him to continue. 

"But?" She asked, finally taking a bite of the deliciousness in front of her. 

"But," He continued. 

The waitress came back to check on them. Hailey was about to knock her one for being so polite. Brantley finished his thought, and it was not anything Hailey was expecting. 

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