Saturday Nights

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Hailey sat in a wooden rocking chair on the back deck of Mama Becky's house, watching the corn hole games. Her own sweet tea with a lemon wedge in a small mason jar beside her. It was starting to get late, the sun setting behind the blue hazy mountains. The peepers coming out to play. Mama Becky sat quietly along side her, smiling at the group joking around laughing in her backyard. Neither one of them said anything. Hailey was about to finish up her tea and head home, when there was a collective cheer from the yard. 

"What do you think, Hails? Bonfire at my place." Brantley asked, hopeful. Amber standing closely next to him, her small frame being out shadowed by his own. 

Hailey looked between the two before replying. "Sure." 

Amber did not look like a happy camper at her decision. She rolled her eyes and tugged on Brantley's arm. Mama Becky's grin grew wider. 

"I just have to go home and change." 

"You can just borrow some of my stuff like you usually do." Brantley stated, a little confused. Amber looked like she was about ready to have a meltdown. 

"That's okay. I won't be long." As much as she loved wearing Brantley's over sized sweats that were always so much more comfortable than anything else, she didn't want to poke the bear anymore than she already had. 

Brantley shrugged, starting to walk up the deck steps to say goodnight to Mama Becky. They all said their goodbyes and got on their way. Hailey hugged Mama Becky extra tight, promising to see her at church in the morning. She got in to her Jetta and drove home to quickly change. She put on a pair of black leggings, a white racer back tank top, and a burgundy hoodie from the Great Smoky Mountains, her favorite place in the world. She pulled on her brown leather cowboy boots and headed toward Brantley's house just outside of their little town. 

All of the friends from dinner had shown up, including Taylor. She didn't get much time to talk to Hailey at Mama Becky's. Hailey parked her car in the usual spot, right between Brantley's jacked up Ford and Kolby's old rusted blue truck he loved more than anything. The bonfire was already going in the yard to the right. The bright green garden hose pulled out for when they were done. Hailey walked along the light colored cement pathway, taking it all in. She loved to just have a quiet moment to herself before she did anything. She was jogged back to reality by someone calling her name. 

"Over here!" Taylor waved to her from a wooden Adirondack chair on the other side of the fire. She was sitting next to Matt. An empty seat by them saved just for her. She walked over, giving Taylor a hug when she reached her. 

"You need to get after that tonight." Hailey whispered in Taylor's ear, referencing Matt who was now standing up, telling a story. 

"I could say the same to you." Taylor shot back. Hailey feigned an expression close to confusion, acting like she had no idea what Taylor could be talking about. Taylor swatted at her and sat down, pointing to the empty seat next to her. Hailey slid in, getting comfortable. She scanned the yard, noticing the absence of a person or two. 

"Hey, where's B?" 

"Off having a tiff with Amber. She was pitching a hissy fit with a tail on it because she didn't want all of these guests over." Taylor rolled her brown eyes dramatically. Hailey followed suit. 

About twenty minutes went by before Hailey decided to go in to the house and use the bathroom. She walked up the long stairs of the deck and opened the glass door. She closed it gently behind her when she heard yelling coming from the hallway downstairs. Hailey tip toed a wee bit closer to see if she could get a good listen, leaning on the brown leather recliner to keep hold her steady.

"You know dang well why I am angry, Brantley Keith!" Her southern voice catching obnoxiously on his name. 

"She's my best friend, Amber. That is all." Brantley sounded exhausted from their conversation. 

"You bandaged her up at the party last night, that I wasn't even invited to. Then you offer up your clothes to her when I am standing right next to you." 

"Sugar, you know I love you. And that you're the only girl for me. Now stop this nonsense and come enjoy the bonfire. Please." 

"Fine," Amber huffed, stomping her foot on the wooden floor. "But you owe me big time." 

"Oh, darlin'. Don't you worry. I'll have you singing my name to the high heavens later." Brantley smirked with a sinful grin. 

Hailey made a gagging sound and ran to the bathroom before the two could catch her. They went outside the join the others. Hailey sighed, looking in the mirror at her reflection. Even if she did feel something toward Brantley, and that was a huge if, he probably wouldn't even bat an eye at her. Her skin was looking a little dull and her split ends needed some chopping. Nothing a good salon visit couldn't fix. She went to the bathroom and splashed some cool water on her face and went back to the bonfire. 

Amber was sitting on Brantley's lap, playing with the hair on the back of his neck. Brantley looked over in Hailey's direction as she settled back down. His green eyes catching the light of the fire under his famous black baseball cap. Hailey was deep in thought when she looked his way. When she noticed he was staring, she stuck her tongue and middle finger out, grabbing his attention. Brantley chuckled lightly, coming back to reality. Amber moved her hand down his neck and underneath his black t-shirt, causing him to shiver. It was about time everyone went on their merry way so that he could make good on his word. 

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