In the Past

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The rain came down, pounding on the roof, making it hard to hear yourself think. Hailey sat on the hard wood floor of the kitchen, placing a set of KitchenAid mixing bowls in a box. She reached for the large clear tape dispenser, securing the box when it was full. She looked around the room and then back at Taylor sitting beside her. 

"What's up?" Taylor questioned, admiring the expression placed on Hailey's face. 

"Nothing." Hailey shook her head, plastering a smile on her lips. 

"I don't buy that for one second missy. Now tell me. What's wrong?" 

"I've lived in this little house since Wes and I broke up. I've had to be self sufficient for so long. And I am damn proud of that. It's just a lot of adjustment going on right now. That's all." Hailey replied, coming to her feet. 

Taylor nodded, understanding where Hailey's head was at. She wasn't quite as good with change as Taylor was. Taylor took a sip of her water before speaking up. 

"But, Hails. This is good. Really good."

Hailey sighed, a genuine smile this time. "Yeah." 

There was a knock on the front door. Whoever it was didn't even bother to wait for a response before they walked in. Loud footsteps stomped through the house, reaching the kitchen.

"Hey, baby girl." Brantley grinned, placing his sunglasses on the brim of his baseball cap. He looked around at the empty shelves and cabinets. As his eyes landed on Hailey, they sunk a little. He switched his gaze toward Taylor, who smiled, shaking her head. Brantley nodded in acknowledgement. 

Hailey walked over, giving Brantley a tight hug. Taylor took that as her cue to bring the last few boxes of belongings out to the car. Hailey squeezed as hard as she could, feeling Brantley's muscles tense up as he arms wrapped around his back. 

Brantley placed a kiss on the top of her soft chocolate brown hair. After a few moments, Hailey pulled back, looking away to wipe at the tears that were forming. Brantley placed his hands around her, hoisting her up on to the counter. He searched her blue eyes before he spoke up. 

"Tell me what's got you so worked up, baby girl." He reached for her hands, rubbing his thumbs over her knuckles. 

Hailey swallowed hard before her small southern voice broke through the silence. "I'm just going to miss this place, that's all." 

Brantley offered up a small smile. "Are you sure that's all?"

She nodded, pulling her hands out of his to wipe away the straggling tears that threatened to fall down her flushed cheeks. 

"You know we don't have to do this." Brantley backed up, leaning himself against the small island in the middle of the room. "We can keep things the way they were and just go between each other's houses."

Hailey almost started crying again at that suggestion. She had worked so hard to get him once she realized her feelings. "No." 

"Hey, hey. I was only throwing it out there. I wasn't saying I didn't want you moving in with me. I want nothing more to wake up to you every single morning." He realized that he should've just inserted his boot in his mouth. He walked back over to her, placing his hands on her hips to scoot her forward so that she was close to him. He bent down, placing a soft kiss on her light pink lips. "And nothing more than to have my way with you every single night that I can." He finished, his voice low and dark, dripping with desire. 

Hailey took in a sharp breath at those last words. She bit her bottom lip, peering up at him. His big rough hands playing with the hem of her flowy white tank top. Taylor walked back inside, stopping at the entrance to the kitchen. 

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt." She said, shielding her eyes from anything that might never be unseen. 

"Oh stop." Hailey giggled, rolling her eyes. 

Brantley helped her down, but not before he whispered in her ear. "Starting with tonight." 

Her skin felt like it was on fire. A shiver running down her spine. She walked passed him to do a double check of every room. Everything had been packed up and either put in storage or brought over to Brantley's house the last few days. As she came back in to the small little living room of her first house she was able to get on her own, she paused. So many memories. Laughter, tears, and glasses of wine. Drunken nights with Taylor. Fighting her feelings for Brantley. This little house held a lot of stories. She looked around one last time before she shut the door of the past behind her and walked toward the future with the man opening the passenger side door of the jacked up black truck parked across her front lawn. 

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