Playing With Fire

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Hailey padded across the wood floor of the kitchen, stopping at the corner of the island to light  a sweet vanilla candle. The light from the wick cast shadows that danced along the walls. The glow from the television in the living room reaching her as she walked over to the couch. A pair of hands banding around her waist, pulling her down. 

"Brantley!" She squealed, caught off guard. 

"Mmmm, I love the way you call my name." His lips grazing against her ear. His warm breath trailing down her neck. 

"Easy there, cowboy. If you don't control yourself now, we will never get through this movie." Hailey replied, releasing herself from his grip. She received a grumble and a pout before he turned the movie on. She curled up against him, laying her head in his lap. He absentmindedly played with her hair that pooled around her. 

Half way through the movie, his hand left her hair and began to trace along the curve of her neck. She hummed in appreciation. He continued on down her arms down to her waist. He finally landed on her bottom, giving it a little squeeze. Hailey rolled her eyes, never breaking away from the screen. Two could play this game. 

She stretched out, resting her right hand on his thigh. She began tracing little figure eights on his jeans. She slowly inched her fingers up further. She stopped, tracing more patterns. Brantley shifted in his seat, trying not to get distracted. Hailey smirked to herself, fully aware that she was beginning to get to him. She started to move her hand up even further, but a large calloused hand placed itself on top of hers, stopping her right in her tracks. 

"Woman, you are playing with fire." Brantley growled lowly. 

Hailey grinned, peering up at him underneath her long eyelashes. She pushed herself up to a sitting position. She leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his lips. Brantley reached his hands up, cupping her face. He deepened the kiss, biting her bottom lip. A quiet moan released from the both of them. He pulled her on to his lap so that she was straddling him. They continued their steamy make out session, hands roaming all over one another. Hailey rocked her hips forward, feeling the tension underneath her. 

"Mmmm," She purred along his neckline. The vibration of her lips against him causing Brantley to lean his head back in approval. 

"Baby girl." He replied in between groans, "I think we need to take this party upstairs." With that he stood up, throwing her over his shoulder. 

"Ahhh!" Hailey screeched, laughing the whole way up the steps. He swatted her bottom, growling. 

Her eyes fluttered open, the light coming through the large windows of the bedroom a stark contrast to the darkness from the night before. She looked over to her left side, noticing the empty indentation of what was a large sleepy man just a few hours before. She pursed her swollen pink lips, slightly sad that she was laying there by herself. The ache between her legs reminding her that she wasn't alone last night. A slight blush gracing her cheeks at the thought. 

Hailey threw the comforter back, placing her feet on the hard wood floor beneath her. She walked down the hallway and down the stairs, landing in the living room. She glanced around the empty house. Not a soul in sight. She made her way through to the kitchen, reaching for a mug in the cupboard. She poured herself some coffee, taking a long wonderful sip. The hot liquid sliding down her throat with ease. The sound of the front door opening and closing bringing her back to her senses. 

"Good morning." She smiled, her back against the sink. 

"Good morning." Brantley answered, stalking over to give her a kiss. His lips captured hers in an all consuming action, making Hailey weak at the knees. He banded his arms around her waist, looking down at her with a grin. 

"What's got you so cheery this morning? Usually you are a regular ol' grump." Hailey questioned, shaking her head. 

"That's what happens when you go three rounds...." 

"Brantley!" Hailey scolded, turning crimson. 

Brantley chuckled, placing a kiss atop her forehead. "In all seriousness though, I have been thinking." 

"Uh oh, that's never good." Hailey looked in to his green eyes, curious as to what he was scheming. 

"Hails." He warned with a squeeze of her bottom. She put her hands up in defeat, urging him to go on. 

His features softened beneath the black baseball cap that was placed backwards upon his head. "I was just thinking. Maybe you should come out on tour with me. We have breaks in between. You won't have to be in this big house by yourself. I'll introduce you to some of the other girlfriends and wives.... what do you say?"

Hailey sighed, releasing her hands from the grip she had on his muscular arms. She thought carefully before she spoke. "B, I can't. I can't just leave work. Rebecca needs me to run the book store. I have Taylor and Mama and Mama Becky here. They can keep me company." 

"I'm sure Jim and Rebecca will be just fine running the book store without you for a little bit. And although those women would be lucky to be spending time with you, I would prefer you to make me the lucky one." Brantley quipped, searching her face. 

Hailey darted her eyes between his, thinking. The sound of a car door shutting shaking her from her thoughts. The front door opened and shut in one smooth motion. 

"Hello!" Kolby's voice rang out as he walked through to the kitchen. 

Brantley let go of Hailey, turning his back against the counter next to her. Kolby always had impeccable timing. 

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