Dinner Guest

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The waves crashed against the shore line, revealing seashells on the pure white sand as they rolled back out. The sun meeting the ocean in the distance, creating a mesmerizing sky of turquoise and pink. Not a cloud in sight. Hailey sat on the edge of the bed, buckling the straps of her silver sandals adorned with little crystals all over, making for the perfect amount of sparkle every time she moved. Her long black maxi dress with ruffled sleeves framed her body just right. A pair of diamond studs finished off her look. Her stomach growled as she gave herself the once over in the mirror in the adjoining bathroom. She turned off the light and walked out in to the living space where Brantley had been sitting on the couch playing on his phone. He looked up from what he was doing, stopping as his eyes landed on her. 

"You look beautiful." He said in a low, husky voice as he stood up, placing his phone in his back pocket. He stood in his spot, eyeing her up and down. 

Hailey looked down at her feet and back up at him, "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself you know." She replied, Brantley standing there in a tighter black pair of jeans and plain white Carhartt t-shirt. His black baseball cap and a black watch on his wrist. Hailey wasn't sure if those were butterflies in her stomach or if it was because she was hungry. 

"Ready?" He asked, gesturing toward the door. 

Hailey nodded her head and walked to the foyer, looking back to make sure he was following her. The two walked down the dock next to one another. They walked along the shore line that led to an expansive terrace, twinkle lights surrounding the entire area. There were huge wooden barn style tables and beautifully crafted wicker chairs. The two came up to a podium with a young woman looking down at a little black book. 

"Hello, there. Two guests?" She asked, her smile almost blinding. 

"Yes. Reservation is under Gilbert." Brantley grinned, placing his hand on Hailey's back as they were ushered to their table. 

Hailey ordered a glass of moscato and Brantley a soda. She looked out over the railing to her right, watching the small handful of boats out in the water. It was like a dream. Brantley watched her face. The expression when she saw something she loved. The freckles across the bridge of her nose. The rosiness of her cheeks. Hailey took a sip of her wine, turning back toward Brantley. 

"What's wrong?" She asked, swallowing slowly. She bit her bottom lip, looking over at him. 

"Just enjoying the view." He smirked. 

Their food arrived to the table. Hailey practically devoured her fried calamari before it was even set down. They sat there enoying the dinner and one another's company for over an hour and a half. Hailey had three delicious glasses of wine. 

The waitress came over, checking in on them. "May I get you dessert?" 

Hailey looked over at Brantley, who cocked an eyebrow inquisitively. "I am stuffed." She said, peering up at the waitress kindly. 

"I'll be back with the check then." With that, she walked away. 

A second later, someone walked up to their table. Brantley was about to hand them the credit card, but stopped. There, with hands on their hips in a form fitting little pale yellow dress, stood Amber. Fire in her eyes. Hailey nearly gasped when she finally noticed who it was. 

"I see you brought your little girlfriend on our honeymoon." She sneered, looking over at Hailey. 

"Amber, what are you doing here?" Brantley practically growled, hands turning in to fists on the table top. 

"Enjoying a get away with my boyfriend. That town was stifling. Suffocating me this week." She replied, staring directly in to his darkened green eyes. 

"So you chose to come here? Of all places?" 

"I should say the same for you." Her attitude cutting through the tension. 

"Amber, I paid for this trip. You were along for the ride. The entire relationship actually. So please, if you must be here, leave us alone." Brantley grew increasingly angry as he tried to be as polite as he could. 

Amber stood her ground, not moving. She didn't say another word. The waitress came back and slyly snuck around Amber, placing the bill on the table. She looked as uncomfortable as they did. 

"I think he just asked you to leave us alone." Hailey spoke up. Before Amber could argue, her new boyfriend came up, wrapping his long arm around her. 

"Amber, baby, let's go back to the room." The two stared at Brantley and Hailey, before walking away back to a room in the main resort. 

Hailey closed her blue eyes, everything swirling about in her head. She knew she drank a good amount of wine, but not enough to cut the edge off of what just happened. 

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