Chapter 87 - Pond

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Hello, I'm back. Happy 4th of July!

Anyways, I also updated the fiction I'm working on, so check it out if you have time. It's on my profile. Also, my youtube channel too, if you have time to waste.

Almost there.


The decisive battle for the fate of the world had begun as the sun rose. The calmness and peace that Tin and everyone felt would be now replaced with a certain uneasiness and subtle chaos.

While everyone was asleep earlier, Tin was fully awake. Even after Can finished the process of stabilizing his core, Tin still continued to guard the perimeter. Earlier he contacted both Type and Cha Aim to see the progress of what was happening with the ongoing war between B.S.G and E.A. As expected, without the support of the Apostles, E.A. was able to crush B.S.G and the remaining cult members in no time.

Of course, the righteous elementalists were not the ones who crushed the enemies but the demonic elementalists. After being overwhelmed during the initial stage of the war, the righteous elementalists' power and dominance were severely weakened. They did not have enough force to create much disturbance and tilt the balance of power to their side. Due to this, E.A. was easily managed and controlled by the demonic elementalists despite the opposition from their righteous counterpart. What can these righteous elementalists do after all? They were just a bunch of flies that could make noises, but could not harm anyone. If it were not for Tin's instruction to let the rest of the survivors live, would the demonic elementalists put up with them? For a very long time, the demonic elementalists were the ones who suffered. They were massacred mercilessly and were driven into hiding with shame. Anger was built and revenge became a motivation to survive.

Now, it was the righteous elementalists' time to hide. It was their time to feel the shame, frustration, and resentment of being powerless. This was their consequence. An eye for an eye. Their karma. Still, if atrocities between the two clans were to be compared, the righteous elementalists were the most vicious. They should be grateful that the Grandmaster and the Supreme Ruler of this world, Tin Phiravich, showed them kindness and mercy.

This particular world war was the shortest as it would end within a month. Without the support from the Apostles who were leading the war, B.S.G and the cultists were only snakes without fangs and poison. As for their main leader, Ae's father, he was nowhere to be found and had been missing in action since the beginning. The war was already a lost cause. With this reality, it was clear who would pay such a heavy price.

"Time to move," Tin said as he cast a spell to open a portal that would lead to the entrance of the cave.

"Ready?" He looked at Can. The little beast summoner had been restless since he woke up.

Locking his gaze with Tin, Can took a deep breath. The little beast summoner could feel Tin's concern due to his behavior.

With a serious tone and with courage, he replied, "Yes."

Tin looked at everyone else. They nodded in unison.

Pete took Ae's hand and squeezed it tightly. "I'm prepared to face my father. I won't falter," Ae reassured.

Pete smiled as he nodded. "En."

Soon, everyone entered the portal. When they got out, they were in front of a large cave. Ae's eyes widened as he looked at the surrounding area of the huge unadorned cave. It was different from what his father described it as. The ground that was supposed to be filled with greenery and life was filled with death and cracks. It was black and purple. It was as if the land was poisoned with the scattered dead animals and dried plants and trees. The sky was dyed with red as it rumbled. It shook that even the gods in the heavenly realm could feel. There was an upcoming storm. As the heavy droplets of the rain turned into what seemed to be blood, the atmosphere became something that implies the future: complete chaos and apocalypse.

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now