Chapter 104 - Mysterious Condition

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Edit: Lol my bad about the Pond and Pete mix up. This happens when you write at night tired XD Thank you for letting me know!


"TIN!" Techno shouted as well. He was not sure why Tin was not moving from his position and helping Can!

As for the man in question, he already closed his eyes with a deep frown. A darkish-blue light was coming out of Tin as he was concentrating his spiritual energy to be transferred to Can. Since Can lost almost his entire spiritual energy causing him to be unconscious and extremely weak, the necessary first aid that could be done at this very moment would be the transfer of spiritual energy. Tin has done this before when this mysterious condition would occur randomly. Usually, when this condition would happen, it would not cause Can's spiritual energy to be depleted to the point that it would be this fatal. It would usually only take half of Can's spiritual energy and that would be it. This would only cause Can to be tired all of a sudden. Just a little bit of rest and he would be okay.

In addition, Tin could easily sense if there were fluctuations in Can's spiritual energy. If this unknown condition would be triggered, Tin would be by Can's side immediately to transfer his spiritual energy to him. Afterwards, Can would be fine. The condition was not considered life-threatening, at least, even though it was still considered a mystery. Top doctors who checked Can were sure that it had to do with his pregnancy. As for the exact reason, they were still unsure.

The problem with why this condition remained a mystery was that the doctors did not have enough powerful medical tools to observe and examine Can. Since Can had tremendous power, as he was a Supreme Ruler, ordinary medical tools would not work with him. The doctors tried and those tools broke down instantly! In addition, It was the first time in history that a Supreme Ruler would get pregnant. Can's case was certainly a special one, so it would take time to find a way to somehow examine Can's condition. Leading a scientific research to help Can's case of unique pregnancy and its effect on his body, Pete has established a group of elite medical doctors. They were yet to make a breakthrough with his case.

At this moment, Tin was now transferring his spiritual energy directly to Can through his hands. When the others saw this, they stopped voicing out their concerns. They understood what was happening and they did not want to disturb the process. They knew that the two had compatibility in terms of transferring spiritual energy.

As soon as the dark blue spiritual energy coming from Tin made contact with Can's body, an unexpected incident happened.

Tin felt the sudden danger and he quickly warned everyone, "Take cover!"

It was too late.


A huge explosion of overwhelming pressure that was more powerful and aggressive compared to earlier shook the entire mansion until it collapsed. Those who lived in the mansion, its attendants and owners, were unable to escape its wrath. Thankfully, these people were high-level and they were able to survive the mansion's collapse with light injuries. Furthermore, protective barriers were put up around them, so they had extra protection. They did not know that most of the explosive power from Can's body was blocked by Tin himself. If it were not for him, the mansion and its people, perhaps even the city itself, would have collapsed or pulverized.

In the huge piles of rubble and thick smoke, Tin used his ability to put up a shield around the people in the mansion. So, with the debris cleared around the people, the residents were able to escape to safety without too much trouble.

"Puuhh!" Tin threw up blood from his mouth. The impact from the explosion that he absorbed was quite strong. From the intense pain that he was feeling, he knew that he received serious internal injuries. Such injuries did not matter to him. He was focusing on Can's situation. He would rather lose his life than losing Can.

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