Chapter 72 - Know your Place!

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Pond struggled as he tried to maintain balance while holding his drunk master in his arms. With Can becoming more stubborn when he gets drunk, he would try to push Pond as hard as possible to get away from his grasp. In the end, as the two struggled while they attempted to overpower one another, both of them ended up falling on the floor. Thankfully, Pond was fast to react. Hugging Can firmly, he made sure that he was the first one to fall to receive the impact from hitting the floor instead of Can.

"Ack!" Pond exclaimed closing his eyes briefly. As soon as he opened his eyes, he witnessed something rather cute. In his arms, his master seemed to be a little shaken as he grabbed his clothes firmly. He looked quite vulnerable and it made him feel that he needed to protect him.

Ignoring the sudden silence and tense atmosphere in the kitchen, Pond put his right hand on Can's head and petted him. This was Pond's way of comforting him. It was just like how Can would pet him in order to comfort him.

Seeing Can this way where he showed vulnerability was rare since he was the type of person to hide his weaknesses in order not to be a bother to others. Even if he could be considered strong, deep inside Can was quite vulnerable and sensitive. Having these thoughts, Pond promised to protect Can at all costs! Even from God of Death (Tin) himself!

Speaking of God of Death, Pond suddenly felt the deadly silence in the kitchen. What happened to the fun atmosphere earlier?

As he slowly got up with Can still being held in his arms, he somehow felt a sudden surge of fear and goosebumps all over his body. That sense of fear was quite familiar. When he looked around at the others, he was shocked to see all of them paralyzed as they faced the entrance of the kitchen. There were obvious terror and panic on their expressions as sweat formed on their foreheads.

Gucci was unable to handle the pressure as he hid behind Thanatos shakingly. Even for Thanatos, the pressure was overwhelming and suffocating, yet he remained calm.

As for Moonlight Flower, she was not quite sure who was the mysterious person who was standing by the entrance, but she knew he was not someone to mess with. She wanted to use her golden bell to produce calming waves, but she thought that it was no use. The mysterious person was too powerful. Even if she wanted to, she was too afraid to act. If she offended him, it would likely she would lose her life in an instant! She was barely summoned to existence, so she cannot die yet! There were a lot of things she still wanted to do here!

For the two siblings, they could just see the gates of hell opening in front of them. Cha Aim tapped her brother's shoulder worriedly.

"I don't want to die yet, Type," Cha Aim shook her head as tears started to form in her eyes. Based on the look of their grandmaster who was standing silently by the entrance, their dear lives were like fire on an already short candlestick. They could die anytime soon.

As for Type, he did not know how to respond to the grandmaster. He failed to continuously report on him about Can's activities since he became distracted at having fun with the others. Surely, Grandmaster Tin would not forgive him! He would deserve whatever horrible punishment Grandmaster would give him.

When Type was about to talk to Tin about the mistake that he committed and taking responsibility, he was completely ignored.

"Gr-gra-grandmaster, I'm sorry...I'm sorry if I neglected my duty," Type stuttered as he explained himself to Tin. While explaining himself, he suddenly stopped as Tin walked past by him without even glancing at him. No one moved from their position at all except their eyes that followed Tin. With every footstep that Tin made, it was like every tick of a time bomb. Those footsteps were very clear as they were the only sound that echoed in the kitchen aside from the fast-beating hearts of the others in the area. As he got closer to them, the closer they felt of being transferred to hell.

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