Chapter 122 - Giving Birth

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"But that story is for another day... Something to be discussed later. Right now, I shall leave since your husband wants to talk to you," Khaul said as he closed his eyes.

"Wait," Tin said.

"What do you mean? You're coming back? Are you going to possess Can again?"

It was too late. Khaul already disappeared.

Can then took control of his body once more. He felt a little nauseous that he was about to fall down. Thankfully, Tin managed to catch him.

When he stabilized himself, Can looked up. Immediately, he hugged Tin.

"I'm so glad that you're alive, Tin!" he began crying. His normal voice returned.

Tin's eyes softened as he hugged Can firmly. "I'm glad as well. I'm very grateful that nothing horrible happened to you."

Tin gave a peck on Can's forehead. "I'm here. I'll take care of you."

At that moment, the two were just like in their own world. Ignoring the disaster around them. They were just glad they survived another calamity together.

"How are you feeling Can?" Tin asked.

"I'm just tired, that's all." Can replied with a smile.

"Are you sure? How about our children?"

Can gently patted his belly. "They're alright as well.'"

As for the others present, well, they went to tend on one another to make sure that they were okay. They did not want to bother the couple's moment. Besides, they have to make sure that everyone was okay. The two looked okay.

For the backup, they went ahead to arrest the people involved in the attack.

After rounding up the rest of the army, Tin and Ae headed towards their respective associations: Elementalists Association and the Beast Summoners' Guild.

Tin and Ae both came to the commander-in-chief of the U.N. Peacekeepers. He was shaken and afraid when Tin approached, especially when Can came with him as well.

"Are you aware of your situation, commander?" Tin asked. No reflection of weakness in his eyes. Fierce as always.

Commander Bran tried to speak but his legs quivered as well as his lips. He was afraid. Never in his life would he sense such fear as he considered himself as a courageous man. He was feared and admired by all in the army and around the world. Now, he was pathetic. He was like a wet puppy.

"I-I have nothing to say," he paused as he took deep breath to relax. He was still the commander of the U.N.'s peacekeeping, so he must act like it and accept his responsibilities as one.

"I know what I did and I'm aware of the consequences," he said.

"Then make sure you and the entire U.N. are ready," Tin said. His tone was piercing cold.

Commander Bran could only bite his quivering lips as his eyes reddened from fear. It was over for him and he knew it.

"Take him away," Ae said as he gestured his head to one direction.

"Yes, sir!" the captain of the elite members of the security team for B.S.G said as she bowed gently.

Eventually, the soldiers, dead or alive, were rounded up. Dozens of soldiers dead. Dozens more were critically injured. Overall, their morale was very low.

Some of the soldiers could be seen crying as one of their close comrades was lifelessly lying on the cold ground. They knew what was at stake, but they thought that the mission would go smoothly as planned. They did not know that they would be grieving for losing and the irreversible loss that was made.

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now