Chapter 109 - Here at Home

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As the battle raged outside, the team of medical experts in the operating room of the medical facility had their challenges that were being faced as well.

Aside from making sure that both Tin and Can were stable, they have to be on guard, as well, of one another. They realized that there was a fight going on outside despite the medical facility being a secret and this crucial operation being the biggest secret. For there to be a battle at this very moment meant that someone might have leaked the information to the enemies. Who could it be, but the people currently in the medical facility itself! Someone was working for them, but who?

Although on the surface everyone was calm, it was obvious that there was tension in the operating room. It felt rather more intense than the fight that was happening outside. Pete knew that the members of his medical team were suspecting one another. They were not focusing on the tasks they were assigned as they were staring closely at one another. They wanted to make sure that the other would not make a move against them.

It was a serious headache for Pete, not only did he have to make sure that Tin and Can were stable, he had to make sure that his medical staff would not kill one another!

He thought about a solution to his current situation. Since he could not determine who could be the traitor in his team or if there was one, to begin with, he had to just take extreme measures.

"Everyone listen up!" he said with seriousness in his voice.

"I understand how you're feeling at the moment with what's happening outside, but we have to focus on the task at hand. I have confidence that we'll be able to get through this situation together if we cooperate."

He paused and looked at everyone in the room.

"So, I've decided, to reassure that everyone would feel safer, I would have to restrict your spiritual energy. Does anyone have any objections?" he said with firmness.

Of course, the moment the five other staff members heard this, they felt troubled. Restricting their spiritual energy would mean making them powerless. They understood what Pete wanted to achieve. By restricting their spiritual energy, they would be unable to go against one another. If someone did, Dr. Pete would be able to stop them quickly with his power. But what if someone from the outside broke in? What then? Could Dr. Pete reassure their safety?

As if knowing what they were thinking, Pete answered, "I understand your doubts, but let me make this clear. If we couldn't save both Tin and Can, you can forget about surviving at all. Decide now!"

Quickly, the staff understood the meaning behind Dr. Pete's words. In other words, it was only through the survival of Tin and Can would the lives of those within the medical facility could survive. So, if they failed to keep them alive, then they might as well kill themselves.

Beads of sweat formed on the foreheads of the staff as nervousness further kicked in.

Were they going to die after all?

Soon, one of the staff members stepped forward. It was the vice-leader of the medical facility: Dr. Christy.

"I trust your judgment, Dr. Pete," she said with dedication and seriousness in her voice.

Pete nodded with a subtle smile. "Thank you, Dr. Christy "

Without wasting any more time, Dr. Pete went ahead and chanted a spell.

"Spiritual Restriction!"

Invisible shackles were formed and entered Dr. Christy's body. Instantly, she felt herself weakening and her powers restricted.

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now