Chapter 45 - A Strange Mark Appears

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[Beast Gods' Dimension]

In a rainforest, far away from the mountain, a tremor on a muddy ground became apparent as nearby low-level beasts scattered for safety. Slowly, a hole was created on the ground.

From that hole, an unconscious person was pushed out and lay to the muddy ground carefully by a beautiful lady. It was raining quite hard in that area, but the lady was not bothered as she quickly performed simple seals on her hands.

"Nature's Heart"

A warm red light surrounded the three arrows that were stuck at the unconscious boy's body and removed them all at the same time. The deep wounds and broken bone caused by the powerful piercings of the arrows were slowly healed.

"Come on!" Bacsojin became more anxious. She checked the boy's pulse, but there was no sign of life.

It was then that she realized it was too late. She could not save him. She did not have any spiritual energy left inside her to do any healing magic. Even if she did, she does not have  powerful and complex healing magic.

At that moment, the only thing she could do was cry in silence. Another good person disappeared. 

Bacsojin asked herself if being saved by Can was useless and hopeless after all. Why does this happen to her? What did she do to deserve this? Was she cursed?

"I'm so-rry. I was too late to save you. I'm s-orry, Can." Bacsojin covered her face with both of her hands as she cried even more. While she cried in sorrow, the rain seemed to respond too as it became stronger.

When Bacsojin covered her face as she mourns Can's death, she did not notice a slight yellow glow on his chest. That yellow glow then formed into a mysterious symbol. After that mysterious symbol was formed, the yellow glow disappeared leaving the symbol behind on Can's chest.

Momentarily, strong violent lightning appeared in the dark cloudy sky as it produced strong sounds of thunder throughout the rainforest where the two were in. Since it was dark due to the ongoing storm, the lightning in the sky was the only source of light.

When lightning was formed that struck the parts of the rainforest, a huge bird seemed to appear in the sky as it encircled the rainforest. It seemed that it was looking for a prey. When it suddenly noticed Bacsojin and Can, it immediately encircled them and let out a terrifying screech.

Hearing the screech, Bacsojin instantly recognized the beast as she looked up. It was the Gryphon.

Gryphon is an Epic Grade level beast that has the head and wings of an eagle as its body is a form of a lion. Instead of two legs, it has four legs that have an eagle's claws.

(A/N: Gryphon from Ragnarok Online)

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(A/N: Gryphon from Ragnarok Online)

By the looks of it, the Gryphon seemed to find the two of them as its prey. If it was before, Bacsojin could easily kill Gryphon without wasting a breath. Unfortunately, she does not have any spiritual energy left in her. There was no way she could win against this huge bird. Still, she would not give up without a fight.

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now