Chapter 1 - The Rivalry

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Hello guys! So I love Love by Chance the series especially TinCan, but I did not like the ending for the two of them. In order to satisfy myself, I read a couple of fanfiction about them while waiting for the official English translation of the series. Anyways, I decided to write about TinCan because I am obsess with them!


At L.B.C university, the most prestigious magical institution, a heated argument between two female sophomore students of Elementalist Association (E.A) and Beast Summoner Guild (B.S.G) on the open green field next to the university can be heard. A commotion from these two factions is considered as a common occurrence in the university and so the argument between the two was not considered a huge event by other students.

"Your disgusting wolf beast was the first one to attack me! It even snapped at my face! My hair and makeup are now a mess!" the sophomore female student from E.A furiously shouted.

"Ohh I thought that was your natural look," said the other sophomore student from the B.S.G. as she let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"You b*tch!" 

"Look here Ms. Elementalist-With-Ugly-Makeup, my beast would never attack anyone unless it was provoked or attacked."

"Are you telling me it's my fault!? I did not do anything to your disgusting monster!" exclaimed the E.A student while gnashing her teeth.

"If that's the case, I apologize. I'm sorry for not properly training my beast not to play with trash. It's definitely unsanitary and horrible for the both of us," the B.S.G student said as she shook her head sardonically.

"Now you've done it!" 

The sophomore student from E.A was furious. Her face reddened not only from anger but also from humiliation. The palm of her right hand started evoking a light green glow as she started chanting an offensive spell but before she could even finish it, a hand held her right wrist and dispelled its formation. 

"What is happening here?" Pete calmly asked as he tried to diffuse the tension.

Pete is a Spirit User who specialized in healing and he is currently the right-hand of the ice prince. He is part of a smaller faction called Diverse Spirit Clan. This faction is considered a neutral faction since it never picked a side and its members are pacifists. Although this was the case, Pete was assumed to be considered a part of the E.A because Tin and him were friends since childhood. Unlike Tin, Pete is calm and approachable. Since he entered the university, he aimed to keep the peace between E.A and B.S.G. Due to this, he was considered as the prime mediator in the university whenever trouble came up between the students of the two major factions. He was admired by both E.A, B.S.G, and other smaller factions in the university.

"Pete, this filthy freak's disgusting beast just attacked me and messed up my hair and makeup," the E.A female student exaggeratedly cried as she tried to gain Pete's favor.

"I already told you that my beast will not attack anyone unless it is provoked!" the B.S.G student said as she sneered at the sly actions of the E.A female student.

"And I already told you I didn't do anything!" the E.A furiously shouted as she firmly hugged Pete's right shoulder.

"Ok, both of you have to calm down," Pete said.

As Pete tried to fix the situation, the dean of the university came. He learned about the small commotion and personally went there to take care of the argument. The dean, despite his old age of being a 130 years old, still looks young. If you are not familiar with the dean of the university, you would think that he is one of the college students in the university. 

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