Chapter 58 - Warm Breakfast

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"Am....I....dreaming?" Ley whispered.

She was shocked and confused at the same time. She witnessed something unexpected. His dead older brother and Tin were together in a bed. They looked like they were doing something intimate and it seemed that she interrupted them. Wait. Could this be due to her not being able to read boys' love novels anymore which was why she was hallucinating? This should be the reason, right? There was no way that his brother was alive and currently being lovey-dovey with Tin who has been missing for a long time now. This should be all an illusion!

As Ley started to question her reality, she heard footsteps on the floor inside Can's bedroom. Startled, Ley looked at the closed door behind her.

Building her courage, Ley decided to confirm whether what she saw inside was just an illusion or not. After swallowing her saliva, she carefully opened the door.

To her surprise, as soon as she opened the door, Can was already in front of her.

"Ah..mmmfff...!" Ley screamed, but a hand covered her mouth as she was pulled inside Can's room. The door was then closed.

"Ley, don't scream! Calm down! You're gonna wake up mom and give her a heart attack!" Can whispered in panic as he made a shushed gesture towards his sister.

Ley, who was still shocked and scared, immediately nodded.

After a few moments, Can asked, "Are you calm now?"

To be honest, Ley was not calm, but she wanted to ask so many questions, so she nodded quickly.

When Can released his hand from covering Ley's mouth, his sister instantly bombarded him questions.

"How are you still alive? When did you come back? Why did you not contact us? Why is Tin in your bed unconscious? Do you know how worried mom was? Do....."

Yet, before Ley could continue asking his brother more questions, Can went closer to her and hugged her tightly.

"Where's my 'welcome home' first?" Can whispered with a mixture of happiness and heartache to his words. He was happy because now he was with his family. His heart aches because his family must have suffered a lot after they thought that he was dead. But at last, he was home.

Ley was stunned at first because she could not believe that his brother was still alive. Yet, the warmth she felt from the hug felt real. As this warmth wrapped her entire body and penetrated her heart, the sadness and the feeling of incompleteness that she felt since Can died somehow disappeared at that moment. It was then she realized that everything was real. The person in front of him was truly her older brother. He is alive!

With her trembling lips and watery eyes, Ley shakily hugged Can and said, "Welcome back to our home."

As she said those heartfelt words, Ley let out all of her emotions that have been stored within her. When she learned that her brother died that day, she only cried once. She realized that since it was only going to be only her and her mother, she had to be strong or at least pretend to be one. If she showed a sign of weakness, then her mother would also suffer. She did not want that, so throughout the entire time that her older brother was thought to be dead, she held all of the sadness and weaknesses inside her.

Now, she did not have to pretend to be strong.

"You did really well, Ley. Thank you," Can whispered as he caressed his sister's back to comfort her.

Can understood Ley's personality. He was thankful that his sister was able to endure this period of hardship in the family, especially for their mother who must have it the hardest. Now, Can owed his sister once again.

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