Chapter 82 - Trigger

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Sorry for the delay. Here you go!


There was a momentary silence from everyone. As the sound of a wicked laugh could be heard as it echoed throughout the castle, a sudden terrifying pressure was being displayed that seemed to hammer everyone in their position. They were unable to move at all.

Such pressure was enough to make everyone shake in fear as well. Sweat on their foreheads formed as they felt nauseous. They felt that they were about to pass out, yet they tried to remain standing and calm.

Even for the clones, they were unable to move except Tin's clone. Although they were at the "same level," Tin's clone still shook. Whether it was from fear, no one could possibly know as the clones do not show any emotion.

The sudden silence was interrupted as Can shouted repeatedly in concern, "TIN! TIN!"

Despite how loud he shouted, Tin did not seem to hear him at all. He was continuously laughing so wickedly as he locked his gaze with his own clone.

"What's wrong with him?" Ae asked as he also trembled from the sudden heavy pressure released by Tin. The pressure was truly intimidating!

"Could it be that his corrupted spiritual core was damaged again?" Pete furrowed his brows.

"Corrupted spiritual core?" Ae gulped. He had knowledge regarding corrupted spiritual cores. He knew that they are mainly possessed by demonic elementalists. With this particular core, they would gain extreme power, but with harmful side-effects.

(A/N: Corrupted spiritual core from Chapter 51)

Can looked back to face Pete in surprise, "Haven't we fixed those cracks already?" The little beast summoner could clearly remember what he had to do in order to fix Tin's corrupted core. He blushed all of a sudden when he suddenly thought about it.

(A/N: Ch. 60 - 61)

Pete replied as he agreed, "Yes, you're right. It would be impossible for those cracks to come out since you've already fixed them."

Pete paused as he looked at Tin more properly. As he examined him, he shuddered. He took back what he just said earlier. Tin's eyes were dark as night.

With just one glance, he was able to figure out that Tin's corrupted core was truly damaged once again. There was no mistaking it. This just meant that impure spiritual energy was spilling from the core, which was causing Tin's sudden change of behavior. By the looks of it, the impure spiritual energy was spilling at such a rapid rate within his body!

"Impossible," Pete whispered as he covered his mouth with his shaking left hand. His heartbeat sped up faster after having a sudden realization. He then looked at Can in fear.

"What's wrong Pete!?" Ae asked as he supported Pete who was about to fall backward.

"," Pete whispered with his quivering lips. He could not believe it, but with what was happening to Tin currently, his seemingly impossible diagnosis about Tin must be true.

"What did you say, Pete?" Ae asked worriedly.

"He has gone insane," Pete answered as he tried to regain his normal breathing.

"Gone insane? What do you mean?" Can asked as he directed his gaze towards Tin nervously. He was stunned when he realized that his eyes were covered in black.

"F...for him to damage his corrupted spiritual core again and becoming like this, it meant that he was holding such unhealthy and extreme desire towards something or someone to the point that the impure spiritual energy inside him was disturbed. That extreme desire was somehow triggered earlier."

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