Chapter 44 - Far From Home

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People say that the moment you find your soulmate, there would be this invisible bond that would be created. When that bond is created, it cannot be broken since it is fate that dictates it to be so. Fate cannot be changed, therefore the bond that it dictated to create between two people could not be broken. 

This bond forms a deep connection on a level that only these two people would understand. It reflects great compatibility between them and shows that their inner spirits are harmonious together. This then apparently meant that they would have an everlasting true love and happiness.

"Mother, how would I know if that person is my soulmate?" the naive boy Tin from the past asked.

"Well, you listen here," Tin's mother said as she pointed to Tin's heart.

"But it doesn't talk? How would it tell me? Is there some sort of magic?" Tin curiously asked as he looked at the part where her mom touched.

"You don't have to understand right now, Tin. In the future, it will guide you. Fate has already made its plan for you. You just have to wait," Tin's mother said while laughing after hearing his child's silliness. She gently took him to bed and tucked him in with a blanket.

"Goodnight, Tin."

"Goodnight, mother."


"I'm sorry if I failed you. Please don't get angry at me."

Tin woke up from his sleep after having a nightmare about Can. In his dream, he witnessed Can dying in front of him. For some reason, when he tried to get near Can who was already lifeless and bathing on his own blood, he was unable to approach him. It was truly horrifying and the dream just felt real to him.

Even though Tin was used to seeing blood and death, it was different when it comes to Can. He could just not handle it. He did not want to think about that possibility. He does not know what he will do if something bad were to happen to Can.

"Can will be okay. I believe in him," Tin comforted himself as he took a deep breath. It was only a bad dream. That is all. He will come back safely. 

It has only been two days since Can left, but Tin already misses him. To him, his life does not feel complete if he does not see him or touch him every single day. Knowing that he would not see him for a month only makes it more unbearable for him. He will make sure that he will get his fill when Can comes back. In addition, since Can already confessed to him, they could take their relationship to the next level. This made Tin really happy since he does not have to hold back anymore. This also meant that he has to prepare for their first "papa" experience. Just like Can, Tin has never been in a relationship before, so he never had any sort of romantic experience. 

As the dominant person in the relationship, it was natural that Tin should know how to lead and do the "papa" properly when they do it. So, Tin has decided that he would study the right way of how the male-to-male relationship does it before Can comes back from his trip.

Feeling more relaxed, Tin left his bed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Since Tin lost his powers, he has been devoting his time on learning new recipes and cooking. He knew that Can loves food so much so he decided that for the meantime, he would sharpen his cooking skills. He did believe in the saying, "A way to a man's heart is through his stomach." This describes Can quite well. In the future, he wants Can to depend on his cooking so much that when he tries other people's food, he would just puke. That is right, he wants Can to just depend on him. If Can becomes useless because of depending too much on him, then it would be better for him (Tin). He wanted to make sure that Can would not be able to live without him in the future, so that he would not even think of leaving him.

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