Twelve Days of Christmas

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I feel like I havent written anything KH/FF in forever so if it seems off I apologize! I also apologize for giving this to you the day AFTER christmas, hopefully you like it and it kinda makes up for it!


On the twelfth day of Christmas, your true love gave to you...

"What?" You were at a loss of words at the moment. The delivery man standing at your door, however, was not. In his dark blue uniform with matching baseball cap and a clipboard in his hand.
"These are for you, m'am." He repeated and waved for the men behind him to roll in a table covered in large gingerbread houses. "Can you sign here, please?"
You snapped your gaze from the gingerbread houses to the man and then back and forth again. The delivery man pushed the clipboard toward you again. After a second of confusion you signed the papers.
"Who-" You stuttered, "Who the hell is this from?"
"Secret admirer."
Everyone left leaving you alone in your apartment with an absurd amount of gingerbread houses. You turned and glanced around, "...8, 9, 10, 11, 12."
Twelve gingerbread houses. Twelve.
"Who the hell sent me twelve gingerbread houses?!"

On the eleventh day of Christmas, your true love gave to you...

"So who sent these to you?" Larxene questioned with a narrowed gaze at the cookie homes.
You shrugged and carried over a cup of coffee to her, "Your guess is as good as mine. I'm pretty sure my apartment is going to smell like gingerbread for months after this though."
"Well they know where you live which should fill you with fear."
"Mm, thanks." You sat down beside your friend just as someone knocked on the door. A groan left your lips as you forced yourself back up to answer the door. "Hello?"
The door opened to reveal the same delivery man with a wide smile and cheery outlook. Behind him were a group of large boxes.
"What the hell is it now??" You cried in surprise.
The man with dark messy hair and a dimpled smile shrugged, "Another delivery for [Name] [Surname]."
"Seriously, who is sending me this stuff?" You questioned and snatched the clipboard away from the man.
He whistled and three other men began to bring the boxes into your living room. Larxene watched with a mix of amusement and caution. "I told you yesterday, secret admirer."
You handed him back the clipboard, "That's not a good answer."
"Sorry." He shrugged, "Merry Christmas."
"It isn't Christmas yet."
"Ten more days." Was his simple reply before he left with the men leaving the boxes.
Larxene chuckled, "There are eleven boxes here."
Each brown box came up to about your waist. You walked over to the first one and ripped it open as Larxene did the same to another. In both boxes was a huge edible candy cane. Eleven extra jumbo candy canes. Eleven.
"This is hilarious."
"Shut the hell up, Larxene."

On the tenth day of Christmas, your true love gave to you...

A knock came at your door and you were wary. It was the same time of day as yesterday and the day before that. The knock came again.
"Delivery for [Name] [Surname]!" A familiar voice called through the door.
You took a deep breath and crossed the room. When the door swung open Mr. Delivery man was beaming at you, "What now?"
"Bring it in, boys!" He called.
You stepped aside as random men began to carry in ceramic elf statues that come up to your knees. You shook your head, "No. No, no, no. Those are terrifying looking!"
"You're welcome." He replied and held out a clipboard. You sighed and took it from him. This time you actually looked it over to try and find any clues on who these things could be from.
"Cupid Delivery Service?" You questioned as you signed your name.
"We deliver love." He winked.
You shook your head, "That motto is lacking in something."
"We are open to suggestions." He shrugged.
"What's your name?"
"I'm nobody. I'm just a Cupid delivery man."

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