Ain't It Fun [OUAT][Peter Pan]

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Made specifically for lovely Liz to satisfy her obession with this sociopathic nightmare. It's set to 'Ain't It Fun' by Paramore (look to said video on the right). Hopefully this is to your liking Liz! I tried really hard, Pan is a hard guy to write for ._. Also I'm sorry if the formatting looks crazy, Wattpad isnt happy with me today.


Neverland was a hell of a place. You meant that in the sense that it was a unique, land with interesting qualities and that it was also hell on earth. If Neverland was actually on earth.

It had the coastal beaches with tropical weather, the dense jungles with deadly plants, the dark forests with shadows that followed you, and the never ending caves that beckoned you to enter. The population of said place was currently a ship full of cranky pirates, a tribe of not so friendly Indians, a small group of wild, lost boys, an ex-fairy with a temper problem, and you. To say you didn't belong in this environment was an understatement. The number of times you nearly died the first few weeks here was ridiculously high. In fact, the only reason you weren't dead was because Tinkerbell made it her mission to keep the only other girl on this God-forsaken island alive and because the resident sociopathic stalker claimed 'that would ruin the fun'.

You heaved a sigh before deciding it was time to start your day. It took you a good five minutes to wrestle your way out of the hammock you slept in, hung neatly in Tink's treehouse, but you finally managed to escape without falling on your face. You quickly pulled on your shoes, the only part of your outfit that wasn't made by hand, and began to climb down the ladder to the jungle floor.

It was warm and humid out, just like every day before it. You pulled your hair away from the back of your neck, which was already sweating, and moved to start your chores. The chores you had now could hardly be called chores though. You didn't have to wash dishes, vacuum, dust, take out the trash, clean the bathroom, or do the laundry. No, all you had to do this morning was check the traps for food and bring in a few buckets of water. That was literally the only two things on your agenda today. On any day for that matter.

Neverland may not have been the safest place, but damn did you enjoy the lack of responsibilities. You left behind a world of tests and homework, of expectations and demands. No longer did you have to worry about high school, grades, popularity, or appearances. The only thing you worried about these days was survival, and there was something about the primal, simplicity of it that excited you.

The traps you were supposed to check were all empty which meant tonight would be a night of berries and vegetables for dinner. You stifled a groan and moved toward the direction of the river. There should be two buckets hidden down there already for you to use, unless your jackass stalker moved them again.

The walk to the river took maybe thirty minutes at the most, but you didn't mind distance. You did somewhat mind all the nightshade that threatened to poison you with one prick, but that was Neverland.

You finally made it to the closest part of the river. The clear, clean water rushed by like any other day. Tall trees surrounded the area, but the immediate ground by the river was a rocky clearing. You headed toward a nearby bush to grab your buckets.

"What are you looking for?" Your hand froze mid reach to the bush at his voice. Already you knew there was no point in looking for your buckets here. They would be long gone by now. You turned around with an exasperated look. Peter Pan stood only a few feet away with his arms casually by his side. He wore a mock look of innocence. The last thing Pan was, was innocent. "Perhaps some berries for dinner tonight since your traps failed?"

"Where are our buckets?" You asked bluntly. You weren't afraid to go toe to toe with Pan verbally. Physically, he'd probably kill you, but you could argue with him all day long, "Are they on Hook's ship again? Maybe at the bottom of the ocean this time?"

Pan crossed his arms, "I don't like your tone."

"I don't like you stealing our buckets."

"But [Name]", Pan's signature smug smile stretched across his face, "Isn't this fun?"

You scoffed, "Fun isn't exactly the right word, Pan."

He nodded and folded his hands behind him, "Your buckets are up there." Pan let his eyes drift up to the top of a nearby tree, "Let the game begin."

You turned to the tree he was looking at and finally spotted the handmade buckets nestled in the branches at the very top. There was no point in whining or complaining more. You bit back a sigh of defeat and headed toward the tree, ready to climb.

You had gotten fairly good at things like running from strange creatures, hiding from insane lost boys, dodging arrows, and climbing trees. It took you only a couple minutes to pull yourself up to the first thick branch and begin your journey up.

A quarter of the way up you noticed two swinging legs sitting on a branch further up than you. Pan swung backwards so he was hanging from his legs looking at you upside down.

"I know you enjoy these games." He said, "You like being on your own, all alone."

You grunted and pulled yourself up and away from Pan, "I like peacefully getting my water."

A couple more branches up and he was there again, "Aren't you having fun? I am."

You ignored him this time and continued to climb. You didn't see him anymore but you could hear him laughing as you struggled up the tree. As you got near the top your foot slipped and you only barely managed to catch yourself. A startled cry escaped your lip as you hugged the thin trunk of tree. Your eyes glanced down to see you were at least twenty five to thirty feet in the air. A fall from this height would surely kill you, and if it didn't the rant you'd hear from Tink or the teasing from Pan would.

"Can't go crying to your mommy here, [Name]." Pan hummed as he stood in the air beside you. Damn him and his pixie dust. You'd wring his neck, beat the dust out of him, and then see how the prick liked heights.

"Can it, twinkle toes." You snapped and forced yourself to keep moving. Your mind focused on each next branch. Before you knew it you had reached the top where the buckets sitting smug between branches. A triumphant smile twisted on your lips.

Pan flew closer until he was in your personal space. Your first thought was to shove him away, but that would make you fall back as well. He grinned at you, "See, I knew you were having fun."

"Maybe I was." You replied, "But was it really a secret that I liked beating you in these stupid games?"

He chuckled as his grin turned into a smirk, "Now you've got your head on right." Pan hooked his arms under yours, pushed you further out, and dropped you.

You didn't even realize what he had done until you were falling through the air, hurtling toward the ground. A scream slipped your lip as your body tensed for the inevitable splat that was sure to come. Your eyes shut as you hit something solid, but it hadn't been the ground.

Slowly, you peeked your eyes open to see Pan had caught you a few feet above the ground. He flew higher up into the air and you were forced to wrap your arm around him and cling to his chest in desperation.

"Now you're one of us, [Name]." He laughed before shooting through the air with you in his arms, he occasionally dropped you only to catch you again. Neverland and Pan would probably be the death of you, but damn was it more fun than your old reality.

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