Certain Someone

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|Song: In my Bones by the Score|

After a long flight with Renegade asking if they were there yet in every five minutes just to annoy Batman, they finally arrived to the mountain.

"I saw the League leaving the mountain from the security cameras. But the footage can be fake so keep your eyes open and keep your mouth shut." Batman said as they got out of the Batmobile.

"Yeah yeah..." Renegade mumbled as they walked inside the mountain.

They started searching rooms one by one and getting in a deffensive position after the smallest sound.

"Ugh, fuck it, this is taking so long." Renegade finally said after they searched the sixth room and came up empty handed.

"ROOY! COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE. WE NEED TO SEE IF YOU HAVE GONE NOT SO GOODIE GOODIE TOO. COME ON! OLLY OLLY OXEN FREE?" Renegade shouted and his voice echoed inside the nearly empty mountain.

If Renegade would be ranking the bat glares he earned from the caped crusader, this one would definitely be in top three. His glare was cut short however, when a red arrow was shot at Renegade, who managed to catch it in the air.

"Not so goodie goodie." Renegade mumbled as he looked at the arrow.

"Roy, we are not here to fight." Batman called out.

A figure jumped down from the vents and landed in front of them, his arrow ready and aimed at Batman's head.

"How can I know you haven't been affected too?" Roy said walking towards them, his hair was messy and dirty, his mask was missing and he had a deep lash on his cheek, he also seemed to be limping while walking.

"You're still alive, aren't you? That should be enough to prove that we're not affected. Besides, I promised to be a pain in the ass for the rest of my life and I can't do that if I'm a brainless minion." Renegade said.

"Ugh... It's you." Roy said rather disappointed and lowered his bow.

"How did you manage not to get affected?" Batman asked.

"Easy, I didn't go to the mission." Roy said and pointed to his left leg.

"At least not on time. When I got the mission call, I was in Star City. I was on my way to the nearest zeta-tubes when I ran into Clock-king. He was trying to rob the Star City bank. Had hostages and everything. I knew everyone would be on mission so I went to the bank alone. He had everything planned as always, hired men, calculated how long it would take for the police to come. But I suppose he was expecting Oliver rather than me. He went crazy when he saw me and started complaining about how could he manage to guess it wrong and all that loonatic stuff, meanwhile I fought the men he hired and started getting the hostages out. But then he went all crazy and said if his plan was going to go down, I was going down with it, and before I could get myself out, he exploded the damn building. One of the coloumns fell on my leg. I barely managed to get myself and the Clock loonatic out seconds before the whole building collapsed. After turning him to the police I called Oliver to say I was sitting that mission out but he didn't pick up. Then I called Artemis, same result. I called a few other people before deciding that something was wrong. So I went to their last known location to check." Roy stopped talking for a second.

"And?" Batman asked.

"It was bad. They were in some kind of an old warehouse, the whole Justice League, you know, except you." Roy added looking at Batman.

"I crawled through the vents to get a better view. Green Arrow, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Lantherns, Manhunter, the Young Justice team, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Black Canary, White Canary, Supergirl, Batwoman, Zatanna, Cyborg, Starfire, Bumblebee, Beast Boy anyone you can think of, was there. On their knees, bowing, in front of Vandal Savage and other villians. Like Deathstroke, Ra's Al Ghul, Talia and Nyssa Al Ghul, Queen Bee, Lex Luthor, Black Manta, a big white gorilla, Psimon and a strange looking witch boy with a cat."

"And none of them noticed you were there?" Batman asked suspicously.

"Well, unfortunately, I didn't say that. After a few minutes, Superman started looking around, specificly at the vents. I knew I was seconds away from being screwed so I decided to get as far away as possible before he noticed me. I crawled back and I have just made it back to the roof when I heard shouts coming from the warehouse. Seconds later Wally, Superman, Zatanna and Manhunter appeared  on the roof. Before anyone else could come, I started running to the closest zeta-tube. And Wonder Woman and Supergirl appeared in front of me two seconds after. I owe this to the Themyscirian princess." Roy said pointing at the lash on his cheek.

But before Roy could continue with the story both Renegade and Batman tensed and looked around the room. It was this feeling again: Someone was watching them.

"And he would owe a bloody lot more if I wasn't there." That certain someone spoke.


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