Old friend

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|Song: Castle by Halsey|

3 months passed and Batman had found nothing about this new assassin. But he had to deal with other villians like Joker, Harley and Ivy. There were also League missions so Batman nearly forgot about him. Nearly. Because, you know, he is Batman.

One night, during his usual patrols around Gotham, Batman heard gunfire coming from the port. When he got there he saw caos. Most of the workers were down and the remaining ones were shooting at a single figure. Someone Batman wasn't expecting to see: Huntress.

Huntress was fighting more than 10 armed guards and was holding a small box. With a quick observation Batman understood that box was part of the shipment. When he was thinking all that, Huntress beat the final guard standing and was starting to run away.

With a quick run from the shadows, Batman catched Huntress and appeared in front of her.

"Helena, what are you doing here?" He asked with a deep voice.

"Oh c'mon. Nothing to go crazy about." Huntress answered back while getting ready to run again.

"I thought you were over with all the bad guy stuff Helena. And this is a Lexcorp ship which means it has nothing to do with your little vendetta. So why are you here?" Batman questioned.

"Like I said. Nothing big. I am just doing an old friend a favor." Helena said.

"Which friend?" Batman asked.

"The one that I owe." Helena said only to meet the famous bat-glare.

"Fine. He goes by the name Renegade now. That's all I can say." She said and stepped into the shadows.

Batman was about to follow when he heard the sirens of the police cars. He moved to the cargo of the ship instead of following Helena. He found at least 200 more of those small boxes that Helena stole.

The sirens became louder and louder so Batman just took one of the boxes and returned to the cave.

When he got back to the cave, he placed the metal box on the table and started examining it. He couldn't risk it being a trap.

When the results came, it showed a small object inside the box. Not a sign of anything explosive was found so Batman opened it.

Inside the box, there was a small green shiny rock that Batman was very familiar with. Kryptonite.

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