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|Song: I'm Dangerous by The EverLove|

"I am definitely going to have an immunity to blacking out." Renegade murumured when his vision started coming back.

Batman and nearly the whole fuckin league was in a truck with him: Superman, Hawkgirl, Flash, Black Canary and Green Arrow. Hawkgirl was on the passenger seat while Flash was busy with coming in an out of the truck, checking the area and Green Arrow was driving. And to Renegade's suprise, he was strapped to that god damn metal again.

"What happened to the 'you are not a big threat' Bats?" Renegade asked smirking.

Batman just rolled his eyes and talked to his comm.

"What's that?" Renegade asked and looked outside.

"Ooh so the mini league is here."

"They make sure the road's clear. You have a lot of enemies." Black Canary said.

"Oh really? I haven't noticed. So wait. Why are you guys here then?" Renegade asked.

"To make sure you don't escape." Superman said.

"Okay, is this a kind of reality show or something. In which you make the criminal go crazy and actually want to go to prison. Because that's what I am feeling, right now! So please, I beg you please, SEND. ME. TO. THIS. FUCKIN. PRISON. ALREADY.

"What are you laughing at Baywatch?" Artemis asked in an annoyed voice.

They were outside the truck, Artemis and Kaldur on the motorcycle, Superboy and Megan flying and Wally running. Roy chose not to come to this mission, saying that he had some business in Star City.

"What? He's funny. There isn't a rule saying that the criminals cannot be funny." Wally defended himself.

Artemis just rolled her eyes and she was about to reply but she was cut off by Kaldur.

"Focus! This is an important mission team. We can't effort to fail.

"The road is clean." Superboy said.

"Is it just me or is everything going just fi-" Wally said but he was cut off by Artemis.

"Shut up! Remember the last time you said that genious. Nobody wants you to jinx it again.

"Alright, alright, geez..." Wally said and ran off to check if anyone was following them.

Maybe because Wally didn't jinx it or maybe because none of Renegade's enemies had plans for him, not for that day at least, they drove safe and sound to Belle Reve.

The truck stopped and Renegade looked out to see that they came to the prison.

"Oh finally!" He shouted with happiness, then he looked at the heroes.

"I swear to God, if anyone pulls out another one of those stupid syringes again-" Renegade threatened, looking especially at the Bat.

"You'll be consciouss during the transport." Batman said and he opened the door of the truck.

The mini league and the prison's workers were all lined up outside the truck. One of the workers brought a metal chair with wheels and a lot of straps on it.

"So... Based on the chair, I understand that you've missed me George." Renegade said with a smirk and the guy named George glared at him.

"You know each other?" Batman asked.

"I came here once. It was for a mission though. Get in, get the person you are looking for, get out. It didn't even take 3 days for me to complete it." Renegade said laughing.

"A lot has changed since your little break out Richard. We have updated our game." George said in a poisonous tone.

"So did I Georgie, so did I." Renegade said with an even more poisonous tone, obviously he didn't like the usage of his real name.

"Uhhh... He can't run away from here, can he?" Wally asked in a terrified tone and Artemis face palmed herself.

"You can be sure that he won't." George said and all the workers suddenly pulled out their guns and aimed at Renegade.

"Wow." Wally said.

"Is this really necessary?" Black Canary asked.

"You came to us for his prisonment, if you don't want him to run away again, I recommend you to trust our methods." George said.

"Put the guns down." Batman said.

All the workers looked at each other, but none of them did what was told.

"I. Said. Put. The. Guns. Down." Batman said again but this time in a much more scary and strict tone.

The workers looked at each other again but this time they all lowered their guns.

Batman turned to Renegade and unstrapped him. There were thick purple lines on his body where the straps were.

Renegade kept leaning on the metal platform. Then he slowly tried to walk but fell to the ground. All the workers pulled out their guns again because of the sudden movement but they all put them away after a glare from the Bat.

Renegade looked up to see the heroes and the workers and he sighed.

"I've been strapped to that goddamn platform for two fuckin days! My body's numb!" He shouted and Batman helped him up.

He walked to the chair slowly and sit. George and another guy came and they started strapping him up.

12 straps on each leg and arm, 10 chains wrapped around his chest and abdomen.

George pulled out some different kind of metal gloves which prevented Renegade to move his fingers and a metal mouth mask, to keep his mouth shut.

Then the other man pulled out an electric collar and put it on Renegade's neck. Finally he pulled out a black sachet and put it on his head.

Renegade didn't move, or even flinch while they were strapping him up. He just sat there watching until the black sachet prevented all of his vision.

He felt someone holding the chair and driving him to the inside of the prison. Okay Renegade, focus.

He listened to the voices around him.

Thirteen meters to the northeast and a turn to the left.

Go left for about 9 meters.

A crowded building, noises of machines beeping and people chatting: the infirmary.

Go left for a great 20 meters.

Sound of the machines again. This time they aound more like... washing machines! The laundry.

Turn to the right from the laundry and keep going for 13 meters.

The floor under the chair changed. The sound of the wheels are not being absorbed by the soil and grass anymore. Instead, it's echoing through the walls: They are inside a building.

Go straight for 2 meters and turn left.

Another five meters and turn right.

Go for 6 more meters and... They've stopped.

The sound of pushing a button, waiting for 8 seconds before a small 'ding' echoed in the room: Elevator.

The chair passed from a small bump and got inside the elevator.

The sound of the doors being closed.

The elevator's going down. Shit. They are going to the sub-levels. They keep the worst of the worst in the sub-levels.

1 2 3 ... 27 seconds. Renegade learned the timing of this elevator before the first time he got here. It takes 0.81 seconds for it to pass one floor. Which means, he is now in the minus 33. Floor.

Another small bump, signing that they've left the elevator.

Go straight for 4 meters after the elevator.

Turn right. Go for 7 meters. Turn left and... stop.

They're here.

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