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|Song: Watch Me by The Phantoms|

Bruce was on his way to Belle Reve. He felt the responsibility to check on the kid as much as he could, at his free times, which was not much so this was his second trip to the prison.

The sound of the phone ringing pulled him out of his thoughts and he saw the name 'Alfred' on the phone's screen.

"What is it Alfred?" Bruce asked, picking up the phone.

"Have you seen the news Master Wayne?" Alfred asked in his usual British accent.

"What happened?"

"It seems that there has been an event in Belle Reve; however, the police doesn't want to give away too much information." Alfred said quietly.

"Renegade?" Bruce stated more than asking.

"You are the detective Master Wayne." Alfred said.

"Thank you Alfred." Bruce said and hang up the phone.

He couldn't believe that Renegade actually kept his promise and escaped. Bruce didn't know it was about Renegade for sure yet but this 'event' happening just three weeks after Renegade's threat seemed to be too much of a coincidence.

Bruce stepped on the gas and cursed at his Batmobile not being with him. He took one of his Lamborghinis for this trip because be was going as Bruce Wayne to this visit.

After a ten minute ride he could finally see the prison from the cars window. The garden was full of police cars, soldiers and ARGUS agents.

Bruce pulled over the car and got outside.

"Mr. Wayne."

"Amanda." Bruce turned to see Amanda Waller standing behind him.

"There is nothing here to concern you Mr. Wayne. But if you truly want to learn something new, I knew Renegade was going to escape Belle Reve and I told you he would. But you didn't listen and sent him here the second time you catched him." Waller hissed.

"At least we managed to catch him. You couldn't even do that on your own." Bruce hissed back.

Amanda seemed annoyed.

"Just go back to that little cave of yours. I got this." Waller said and left.

Bruce wondered around but too many people were watching him because he was Bruce Wayne and all that. He had started thinking about leaving and coming back as Batman when he saw something on the ground.

Bruce looked around and when he was sure no one was looking, he walked to the thing he saw and grabbed it: A feather.

Not a usual feather. An anourmus sized feather.


Bruce got back inside the car. He got what he needed.

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