The Plan: Part Four

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|Song: Saints by Echos, Daycore version|

Happy New Year!!

This chapter is a gift in case you didn't get one like me. *sad author noises*
I'm kidding, and I know I haven't been updating this story since like, forever, and I used to update in like every two days (great times) so this is very unusual for me but it's because I've been writing another book that I hope will get printed one day. (It's not in Wattpad, sorry, it's not published in any platform yet) Anyway, from now on though I plan to give more of my attention to this book and hopefully complete it, I am so not abandoning it.

Dark shadows, dark shadows, dark shadows and hey, more dark shadows.

Roy kept walking inside the cave, by himself as his lovely companions decided to part ways without a care in the world. Now, all he could do was to keep walking, into the dark shadows, and trust Renegade.

Yeah... He was screwed.

Constantine turned another corner and stopped as he saw light coming out of the other end of the corridor. He looked at his hand and saw the nail pointing to that end.

With a sigh, he tossed the cigarette in his mouth aside and pocketed the nail.

He walked past the corridor and saw the light was coming from a doorway. He put his hand on the door knob and slowly opened the door.

It was all dark except the spotlight that only lightened a leather armchair in the middle of the room, that looked like it came straight out of the cliché movies where the villain sat in the chair and slowly turned around in an overly-dramatic way. And that, was exactly what happened.

The chair slowly turned and Constantine saw the person sitting on it.


Zatanna slowly got up and looked him in the eye. There was a blank look on her eyes.

"Hello John."

The moment she said that, Martian Manhunter, the Canaries, Supergirl, the Hawks and Klarion stepped out of the shadows.

"Ugh, bollocks..."

Batman walked in the dark corridor without even flinching when he started hearing multiple footsteps coming from the end of the corridor. He didn't look even a least bit concerned nor surprised.

The things he did to get back the morons he called team mates back...

"Famous John Constantine, thinks he can trust a teenager. We know that their kind is the most dangerous, the young ones, I mean. Isn't that right Teekl?"

"Witchy boy. Do me a favor and shut up, will you?" Constantine looked at the faces inside the room and saw that they all held the blank expression as Zatanna did. He turned his attention back to the said woman.

"If you would like to shake this mind control thing, this would be a great time luv."

"And why would I want that John?" Zatanna asked in a misty voice. "Light offers us more. And soon, you're going to see that too."

Roy gripped his bow tighter as the silence around him became suffocating. Normally silence could mean safety but this time it was just unnerving.

He had just came to a turn when suddenly, a hand closed around his mouth, preventing him from making any sound but not preventing him from biting the hand in order to get free, and that's exactly what he did.

"Did you just seriously bit me?"

"Renegade?!" Roy tried to ask but his voice was barely audible due to the hand still covering his mouth.

"Do you want to shout a little louder? I don't think people heard you from Japan." Renegade said as he removed his hand.

"What the hell is going on!?"

"The fricking plan is going on, and if you keep shouting I'm gonna kill you before the Light does, and dump you into the Lazarus pit, resurrect you, just so that I can kill you again."

"Where is Batman? And Constantine?" Roy asked, not listening to Renegade's threats.

"What time is it?"

"Wha-" Roy stopped his sentence in the middle as he just gave up and decided not to question Renegade's bullshit anymore and just looked at his wristwatch. "Quarter past eight."

"Then they are probably captured."

"WHAT?!" Roy whisper-shouted.

"It's my plan, what did you expect?"

"They are captured?" Roy asked trying to calm himself.


"By the Light?"

"You're catching up quick." Renegade said sarcastically. "Now for once in your life, which is pathetic I must add, do the smart thing and come with me, and try to keep your mouth shut."

"I am having a really hard time deciding if you have gone bad or not right now."

"That makes two of us."

Roy looked at Renegade and sighed. "At least tell me where we're going."

"Are you having a short time amnesia or do you actually remember the plan?"

"I don't remember a part where Batman and Constantine gets captured." Roy said.

"Do you remember a part where I said I will create a diversion?" Renegade asked and the moment he finished his sentence, they heard fighting sounds coming from the direction Constantine went.

"Well..." Renegade said as they heard the sounds and turned to Roy. "Consider it diversion created."

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