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|Song: Toxic by 2WEI|

Batman looked at the unconciouss figure superman and superboy were holding.

"What are we going to do with him?" Wonder Woman asked.

"We are going to interrogate him." Batman responded and turned to the teens.

"He is going to be kept in the mountain until we learn who he is and who he works for. Then we can send him to Belle Reve." Batman said and thought about the assasin's cackle they've just heard.

"Or maybe Arkham Asylum." He added still looking at the boy.


When Renegade woke up the first thing he felt was the cold metal around his wrists, he was handcuffed to the table in front of him.

Handcuff... Seriously? Renegade thought and grinned. Did the League really think that he couldn't break free from some stupid handcuffs.

The next thing he realised was the presence of his mask in his face. They haven't taken it off yet. Renegade grinned again. The League couldn't take his mask off yet. He designed his own mask specifically so that it won't come out without him touching the right side of it. There was a non-visible fingerprint scanner on that side so nobody else could take the mask off.

His hood was also still on, creating the enough amount of shadow to cover his eyes.

He had bandages covering his shoulder, leg, ankle and hands.

He was being kept in an interrogation room, instead of a prison cell and that was bad. He prefered prison cells to interrogation rooms. Prisons were easier to break out from.

The door of the room opened and a bat shaped figure stepped in.

"Helloo Batsy. I hope you used your right foot to step in. You know it is bad luck, stepping in to a new room with left foot. Or was it a new house." Renegade said and seemed to be thinking it.

"Hello Renegade." Batman said and got closer.

"Let me guess. You have some questions for me." Renegade said and rolled his eyes.

"Yes." Batman said.

"Well what are you waiting for? Shoot it." Renegade said and leaned back.

"Let's start with your mask." Batman said but before he could continue Renegade spoke.

"I glued it. It won't come out. Too bad for you." He quickly lied.

"Then how do you eat?" Batman asked.

"Who said I ate? Like your nice friend mrs. Wonder said, I can't be human after all, can I?" Renegade said, turned to look at the one-way mirror and started cackling again.

His cackle echoed in the room and sent shivers down everyone's spines.

The whole Young Justice team alongside with Green Arrow, Black Canary, Wonder Woman, Superman and Flash were watching the interrogation.

"He is sick." Wally said.

"We are wasting our time. We should just send him to Arkham Asylum and get it over with." Wonder Woman said.

"Who do you work for?" Batman asked this time.

"Benjamin Franklin." Renegade answered with a serious face.

"Okay he is now confirmed to be nuts. Can we send him already?" Wally asked. The last thing he wanted was a physco in the mountain.

"You work for money?" Batman asked.

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