Video footage

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|Song: Wolves by Sam Tinnesz ft. Silverberg|

Batman watched the video footage once again. The man named Jacob de Witt, mostly known as the Judge, was assasinated two days ago.

Batman couldn't say that the world lost a lot after his death. The man was known by murdering people by using innocent people, so he couldn't be called an angel. The way he was killed was what really attracted Batman's attention.

In the video footage, Batman saw the man coming out of his car and immediatly being attacted by a short man in a black costume. He had a full face mask except for the eye part. He had a dark blue hood covering his head so his eyes couldn't be seen because of the shadow. A small part of his raven colored hait could be seen under the hood.

After the mysterious assassin attacted Jacob, Jacob gave him one of his golden stamp. Batman knew that if this Judge guy gave you one of these stamps, it would be nearly impossible to resist what he asks you to do. Actually when he thought about it, Batman have never seen someone who could resist the power of the Judge. Except for this guy. He seemed to be affected for a mere second, just before he sliced the throat of the man.

The assasin stoped after his job was done and turned to face the security camera placed there by no other than Batman. Batman had many 'hidden' cameras around Gotham and this particular assasin knew about it. He saluted and dissappeared in the shadows.

Batman heard the rumours about this new assasin in Gotham before but he never took it seriously. He thought it was just a myth. Gotham had a lot of those these days. But now he had evidence on this guy and he had no information on him which was frustrating for Batman.

He started searching other murders said to be committed by a guy with a blue hood. He saw a blog post from a witness. The witness wrote that the assasin moved in a nearly superhuman speed. That the shadows were his closest friend. He was said to be the devil itself with his bloodcurdling cackle. Now Batman was curious.

The door of the Batcave opened and Alfred came in.

"Master Wayne. I have to inform you that sleep is necessary for living." Alfred said.

"I know Alfred. I just need more time. There has to be something about him. A document, a photograph, anything." Bruce said while taking the cowl of.

Suddenly all the lights in the cave went off. Flashing red lights came from the screens of the bat-computer. Then the screen turned to black again and the sentence 'DO NOT LOOK FOR ME!' appeared in red on the screen. The lights came back on and the writing dissappeared. But the video footage and all the info about this new assassin dissappeared too.

"He erased all the footage." Bruce said while still trying to pass the virus this assassin installed to the computer and save anything he can. Bruce kept trying but he has never seen something like that. That virus was just so professional.

"It seems that our mysterious assassin also happens to be a hacker." Alfred said. "Is there anything you can save from the data Master Wayne?" He added.

"No. The video footage from the murder is also gone." Bruce said. "He is good."

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