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|Song: Scars by Boy Epic|

Renegade learned a new thing about Batman, which didn't really surprised him but yet, he was wishing he never learned that: Batman was driving like a psychopath with a death wish, especially when someone was bleeding out on the passenger seat. And yeah, that someone was the unfortunate, former assassin, master escape artist, newbie hero Renegade.

"Jeez, I said I'm fine. Don't kill me before the blood loss." Renegade said as the Batmobile passed one inch away from a truck.

"The amount of blood on the seat says otherwise." Batman said and made a sudden turn.

"And since when are you so annoyed about high speed?" Batman asked after another turn.

"Since the world started going darker and spinning around me. I don't need it to literally turn around me."

Renegade was replied with another sharp turn from Batman.

"Where are you going anyway?" Renegade asked.


They didn't talk after that. Renegade just decided to close his eyes and let the pain sink in. The adrenalin from the fight was now gone and his knee cap started feeling like it was on fire.

He sat there, zooming in and out of consciousness. He only opened his eyes when he felt like the world around him was slowing down.

Batman got out of the Batmobile the moment they stopped. Renegade tried to do the same but fell back to his seat. Batman went to his side and helped him up.

"I'm fine." Renegade tried to object but Batman didn't listen.

He helped Renegade walk and placed him on what seemed like an infirmary bed.

"I see we have a guest." Alfred said looking at Renegade.

"Welcome back, Master Richard." Alfred said as he started examining Renegade's knee.

"No, just please don't call me Master, and DEFINITELY do NOT call me Richard."

"Master Dick, then." Alfred said with a gentle smile.

Renegade sighed but he understood he lost the war.

"Topic of another day then? Right now, can someone pull this FRICKIN ARROW OUT OF MY LEG?! You know I would do it but I think I've earned myself enough bat glares for a life time and- UGH FUCK!" Renegade shouted as Alfred suddenly pulled the arrow out of his leg.

"Thanks." Renegade said with a sigh and passed out.

"When will he be able to walk again?" Bruce asked while taking his cowl of.

"The damage could be worse, the arrow didn't hit his knee cap. However it has severed the knee lateral ligament and damaged the cartilage tissue. I don't recommend him to step on his leg for the following week and it will take at least two more weeks for him to walk, three to return crime fighting."

"And what if he is a half Talon?" Batman asked.

"Well, in that case, Master Dick will be able to walk tomorrow."

"Great." Bruce said and walked to the bat computer, he needed to find the League and a way to stop them and he needed to do that fast.

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