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|Song: Every Breath You Take by Chase Holfelder|

"Well done Roy. You broke out a psychopath."

"I'm flattered. Now would you idiots fuck off and continue this little chat of yours somewhere else."

"Heey! We are not idiots!" Wally shouted.

"And you are coming with us." Artemis said.

"Ugh, this again!?" Renegade complained.

Renegade looked at the heroes. Artemis and Wally seemed determined while Roy seemed nervous, he clearly knew what was going to happen and didn't want it to happen.

Renegade slowly opened the cars door and got outside. Now Artemis and Wally seemed a bit nervous too.

"Dude what happened to your arm... and leg?" Wally asked, lightening the mood.

"Got stabbed, nothing new." Renegade answered.

Renegade was trying to act cool about it but in fact it hurt like hell. Even Renegade was having a hard time controlling his facial expressions. It was like his insides were burning, non-stop for the past hour. He knew that the wounds were still open, the poison was still evident in his veins. He had hoped the pain to pass a little when they first got in the car but it didn't. And after sitting in the same position for an hour and getting up, definitely did no good to his wounds. But it seemed like he still had to fight these two idiots if he wanted to keep being a free man.

They stood there for a while. Renegade on the right, Artemis and Wally on the left side of the car while Roy was still inside. There was a great tension that was for sure.

"Allright, you know what, fuck it." Renegade said and charged forward.

Renegade jumped to the top of the car and jumped down, aiming a kick at Wally. The speedster barely dodged the kick and moved aside. Renegade accidently fell on his wounded leg. To explain it in one word: Auch.

Artemis pulled her arrow and aimed at Renegade. She shot three arrows at him but Renegade escaped from two and catched the third. He threw the arrow he catched at Wally who was running towards him. Wally ducked and the arrow missed his head with millimeters.

Artemis charged forward and tried to kick Renegade but Renegade catched Artemis's foot and threw her away. He saw a blur coming at him from his side and catched Wally's fist as he was about to punch him. Renegade twisted Wally's arm around his back and kicked him.

"ENOUGH." A gloomy voice said from back of Renegade.

"You got to be kidding me." Renegade murmured and turned back, only to be greeted by the famous Batman.

"Don't you have anything else to do other than catching me? Just go, save the world from a zombie attack or something." Renegade pleaded.

"Renegade." Batman said in his usual dark tone.

"And here we go again..." Renegade said and rolled his eyes.

"I swear, you superheroes are worse than the mob. Once you get caught in their claw, you can never escape." Renegade added.

The small fight with the heroes did no good to him. His vision started going black again and the pain got a lot worse.

"Damn it." Renegade hissed and held his arm.

"Let us help you Dick." Batman said.

"I know this is hard for you to except Batsy but I. Am. Not. A. Good. Person. And I am sick of you acting like I am. Why do you work so hard to make me a hero anyway? Go save the World and for God's sake please just forget about me." Renegade said, working so hard for his voice not to shake because of pain and holding the cars door for support.

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