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|Song: Bury Me Low by 8 Graves|

Renegade kept staring at the wall. Not doing anything was definitely driving him crazy.

A guard approached to the door and Renegade's attention turned that way.

"It seems you are pretty popular Renegade. You have a visitor again." The guard said.

"If it's Wayne again, don't even bother. Just tell him to fuck off." Renegade said, he was definitely not in a good mood.

"It's not him."

Now Renegade was curious. He patiently waited for the guard to untie the chains and didn't even mind the two guns aimed right at his head.

He walked to the same visiting room with two guards. He sat on the chair and waited as the guards tied the chains to the ground.

The door opened and a man walked in.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Renegade asked.

To be honest Renegade had some guesses on the visitor but he didn't expect him to be Roy Harper.

"I was passing by and you know, said I'll pay a visit."

"You live in the Star City. And we're in Terrebonne Parish. So tell me the truth. Why the fuck are you here?"

"I felt bad, okay?"


"I felt bad. You saved my life and when I learned that you are going to spend the rest of yours here, rotting behind bars, I felt bad."

Renegade didn't reply and Roy wasn't looking at his face while talking, escaping the eye contact. Then he slowly raised his head and saw the bruises on Renegade's face.

"What the fuck happened to you?" He asked.

"Fell down from the stairs. Now, did we come to the part where I tell you to fuck off, because I think we did. Fuck off." Renegade said in a calm voice and smirked.

Roy just rolled his eyes but he seemed persistent.

"Wait, how did you even get permission to see me? I thought only family members or really rich guys could come." Renegade said remembering the visit from Bruce Wayne.

Roy chuckled.

"Yeah, about that. Good news. You have a 'cousin'." Roy said and chuckled.

Renegade couldn't help but chuckle too. Wait. What was he doing. He should have been planning his escape right now, not chit chatting.

"Allright, enough. You saw me. Now fuck off." Renegade said.

"I would escape if I were you." Roy suddenly said.

Renegade was not expecting that.

"What?" He asked.

"I would. Especially if I was able to run away from Waller's claw, prison would be an easy job." Roy said.

Renegade didn't answer back. Not even with a sassy comment which was really unusual.

"And... If I were you, I would also be angry. Angry at the World. So when I escaped, I would probably kill anyone on my way, no specific reasons, just to take my anger out." Roy continued.

"But... That would get me nowhere. I would just keep killing and killing and killing. Like running in an endless race. There wouldn't be a finish line. The race would only be over when I collapsed from exhaustation or someone shot a bullet to my head. Either way, I would not win."

"So... If I were you, I would not go down from that path." Roy finished.

"Well, good thing I'm me and you are you then." Renegade said and smirked.

Roy sighed and looked dissappointed. But then his dissappointment got replaced by determination.

"Fine. Then you better get used to seeing this face because you are going to have a lot more lovely visits from your beloved 'cousin'. Got it?" Roy said and got up, leaving the room.

Renegade just looked behind him with shock.

What the fuck did just happen?

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