Flash Drive

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|Song: Despicaple by Grandson|

2 hours earlier

"Clark! CLARK!" Batman shouted shaking him.

Superman woke up. He saw Batman and Green Arrow looking at him.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Waller." Batman simply answered.

"They took Renegade." Green Arrow said.

"Why?" Superman asked.

"If I know Waller, he's going to install a bomb back to his neck." Batman answered.

"Make him a part of the Suicide Squad?" Green Arrow asked.

Batman just nodded.

"I'm going back to the cave." Batman said and just dissappeared.

"I hate it when he does that." Green Arrow said.


Batman got back to the cave and started hacking into A.R.G.U.S. files. He tried finding files about Renegade but couldn't find any.

Then he thought of searching for the name 'Dick Grayson'. He found a file named 'the trap' under the name Dick Grayson. The file was about a transparent glass that was impossible to break. He tried to learn more but couldn't hack into more files.

Suddenly, he remembered an old friend: Lyla Michaels. He reached his phone and called her.

"Hello?" A female voice came from the phone.

"Lyla. I need your help." Batman said.

"Bruce? What do you need?" Lyla asked.

"Meet me at the roof with the bat-signal." Batman said and hang up.


Layla came to the rooftop and started waiting. A figure came out from the shadows.

"Lyla." He said.

"What's this about?" Lyla asked.

"I need to know where Waller is keeping Renegade."

"...I'm sorry Bruce. But I can't do that." Lyla said.

"Lyla. He's just a kid." Batman said.

"He's a Talon." Lyla said in a cold tone.

"He is 14!" Bruce shouted.

"Do you know who raised him!?" Lyla asked.

"No. And I don't care. He is just a kid Lyla."

"A kid who has killed 643 people. And those are only the ones that we know about." Lyla said.

"I am not telling you to let him walk freely on the streets. But he doesn't deserve to be the slave of Waller. All I am asking you is to tell me where he is so I can send him to a proper prison." Batman said.

"I'm sorry Bruce." Lyla said and came closer.

"But I can't help you." She said and walked passed Batman. She put something in Batman's hand before walking away.

Batman opened his palm and saw a flash drive. He smiled and went back to the cave.


When Batman came back to the cave, he opened the bat computer and installed the flash drive.

There was only one file in the drive. It was a video footage. And it was live.

There was a person chained to a metal platform in the footage.

"Renegade." Batman said.

He was asleep for a few minutes in the beggining of the video. Then he slowly woke up and started pulling the chains. Even more chains were added to keep the kid from running away. Batman was curious now. If Waller was this cautious about this kid, he definitely should have some skills.

Batman watched as Renegade looked around the room. Then he looked directly at the camera.

There wasn't movement for a few seconds, but then Renegade started moving his foot. Batman zoomed in and looked at what he was doing.

He saw Renegade doing a quick move and his big toe moved in an abnormal way. What are you doing Renegade? Batman thought.

Batman watched as Renegade pulled a nail out from a scar under his foot. Batman started to understand why Waller wanted him so badly.

Batman saw that Renegade's expression didn't change even a bit when he punctured himself with the nail and that scared Batman. What could have possibly done this to a child?

Another crack was heard and Batman saw Renegade breaking his own ankle. He watched as he threw the nail to his hand and freed himself. To be honest, Batman was impressed.

Then he watched Waller coming into the room. Then Batman realised something. A glass wall that was nearly impossible to see. He remembered the file he found earlier. Waller really worked hard this time to make sure Renegade won't run away.

He listened to their conversation and he actually felt bad for Renegade. Why was he feeling bad for an assassin? Then Renegade's screams and Waller's laughs echoed around the room. Renegade punched the wall for a few times and finally gave up. This was the first time that Batman saw Renegade showing any emotions other than a sick cackle. The assassin was angry but he was also desperate.

Batman tried to find out where the video footage was from but it was decripted professionally. Renegade was on his own

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