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|Song: Protector by City Wolf|

Yep, Renegade understood when he lost, but you probably know the rest of this sentence if you read this story so no need for copy paste, right?

Then however, when Renegade was ready to meet his maker for like what, twentieth time this week, he heard the not so angelic voice of his savior.

"Not so fast." Batman said and threw a batarang at Wonder Woman.

Diana turned to see his new enemy and Renegade took advantage from her distraction, landing a strong kick at the back of her leg.

Wonder Woman fell and Batman started throwing batarangs at Black Canary. Dinah jumped back, dodging the batarangs.

"You know, I actually like these things when you're not aiming them at me." Renegade said with a cackle and Batman smirked under his cowl.

"Don't do anything stupid and you might actually keep liking them."

"Note taken." Renegade said and moved right just in time to dodge a punch from Kaldur. Unfortunatelly, the said Atlantian has just got back up and joined the fight again.

The door of the room slammed open and Superman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow and Hawkgirl ran/flew in.

Batman started fighting them but it seemed he was having a hard time. Green Arrow charged at Renegade who was alreafy fighting with both Kaldur and Superboy.

He dodged some of Oliver's arrows but he missed a punch from Superboy which sent him to the wall across the room. Renegade was caught off guard and he accidently fell onto his injured leg.

If he had to summarise the fall with one sentence, he would probably say...


But of course, he didn't say that. Instead, he kept his face neutr, no sign of any pain.

He looked at Batman and saw that he wasn't in a good shape either. He had a bad burn on his shoulder, probably a gift from a certain Kyrptonian and a deep lash on his stomach.

Renegade took support from the wall and got up slowly. He saw Green Arrow, Superboy and Aqualad walking towards him.

"Ugh... Batsy, I don't believe I'm actually saying this but unless you have a super powerful wizard or a semi-god in one of your pockets, I suggest we retreat."

Batman looked at Renegade and saw that he was in no condition to fight. There was no use in denying it: they were losing. He simply nodded and took out a smoke bomb from 'one of his pockets.'

The room filled with smoke and the sound of coughing coming from the League.

After ten seconds or so, the smoke was gone, but so was Renegade and Batman.

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