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|Song: STFD by TeZATalks|

"So, let me get this right. Renegade ran away from the ARGUS and you found him, thanks to John's soon to be Mrs. Diggle girlfriend Mrs. Micheals. You hid the information of you finding him, from the League. You offered him a deal, which is totally insane by the way, and he told you that he prefered prison. So after all your efforts, he is still going to Belle Reve?" Flash asked in two seconds.

"Yes." Batman shortly said.


"He'll be transported tomorrow morning." Batman added.

"Wait. You missed the part where you catch him. We all know he is a good fighter and even a better runner. So how did you really catch him?" Clark asked.

Batman sighed. He looked sad for a spare second. Wait, sad?

"He was injured. There was a deep wound on his back. He didn't even notice it until he blacked out from blood loss." Batman said.

"The kid doesn't have any super powers. He is a Talon, yes, but that doesn't give a man the power of not feeling pain. Somehow, he had gained immunity to pain. And the only way that someone can do that is an unimaginable amount of pain." He added.

The whole League was shocked and shaken so the rest of the meeting went quite and quick. Batman told about the details of the next morning's transportation and they all left, except for Batman and Superman.

Batman was looking at the screen, making the final arrangements about the transportation. Superman thought for a second before walking towards him and stopping next to him.

"What is a Talon Bruce?" He finally asked.

Bruce sighed. There was no getting away with this.

"Have you ever heard about the Court of Owls?"

"Yeah. Isn't it like an old Gotham myth?" Clark asked.

"It isn't just a myth. It's real. They work in the shadows of Gotham and they're everywhere so you can't get rid of them either." Batman said, giving as little information as he could.

"Okay. So a Talon is...?"

"Their greatest weapon. The Court has a few 'Talon's and then there is 'the Talon'. I don't know which one is Dick but considering Waller's attitude towards him, I am guessing he is the second."

"What's so dangerous about a Talon? Or the Talon, whatever..." Clark asked.

"They are immortal and really good fighters, not a good combination." Batman said.

"Agreed. Wait, so you're telling me that this kid is immortal?"

"No. By immortal I mean they don't age. But if you decide to cut their head off, they won't just grow another one, get up and keep walking." Batman said.

"And I don't think he is a Talon yet. You saw his eyes. Talons have the golden chemicals in their system which makes them faster, stronger and 'immortal'. That also has a side-effect of making the eyes turn gold as well. You saw his eyes, they were not gold, not compeletly at least. Being the Talon is a long process. It seems that Renegade managed to escape in the middle of it." He continued.

"So you don't want to send him to prison because h-"
Superman said but Batman cut him off.

"He'll be an open target for the Court, yes."

"But there is nothing else I can do with him. He said that he didn't want to be a hero clear enough. I can't keep him in the Batcave forever and he is definitelly not sane enough to be walking on the streets." Batman said.

"So Belle Reve it is." Superman said.

"Belle Reve it is."

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