The Cell

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|Song: Your Eyes by Neovaii|

Someone pulled the sachet out of Renegade's head and he looked around. He was in front of a big dark room with no windows and only one bad and a toilet inside it.

"Home sweet home." Renegade murmured.

Someone pushed the chair into the room and stopped in the middle of the room. Batman approached to Renegade and unstrapped him. The workers were holding their guns, ready to attack but none of them had the courage to lift the guns up and aim at Renegade after their argument with the Bat.

"Get up." George said.

Renegade slowly got up and stumbled. Batman helped him stand again and George walked to them. Two other workers walked to the walls and each grabbed the four chains strapped to them.

George crouched and grabbed the four chains strapped to the floor, tying them around Renegade's ankles and legs. The other two did the same for Renegade's ankles, arms, head, neck, abdomen and chest.

Renegade watched as the workers chained him up, making sure that he won't be able to run away again.

Finally, one of the workers took a different kind of handcuff from the corner of the room. It had a long iron bar in the middle of it which prevented Renegade from bringing his hands together closer than 40 cm s.

"That's it?" Renegade asked with a smirk.

"Don't push it Renegade." George said.

The distance between the walls are 9 meters. The distance of the chains strapping you is 5 meters. So you can't come close to the walls or the door. You can walk in the room as much as the chains will let you, that includes the bed and toilet. Because of your crimes and 918 murders you have commited, you've had 11 life-times in prison, without the chance of good behavior. So don't expect to see the sunlight again." The worker next to George said.

"Wait, he'll be kept here for the rest of his life?!" Megan shouted.

"He's 14!" Wally protested.

"918 murders?" Superboy asked.

"Okay, just for you to know, 821 of them were at the same place, same time." Renegade said.

"Megan, he has to be kept here." Artemis said with a cold tone but even she was not sure. This was a kid they were talking about.

"There will be two guards waiting outside your cell at all times. There will be no gaps between the shift changed, if that's what you're wondering about. And there are two cameras in the room, if the guards watching see something off, like your finger twitching every once in three minutes, then..." George said and pushed a button on a small device.

Electricity passed through Renegade's body and he fell to the ground.

Megan gasped and some of the heroes flinched.

Batman glared at the workers and walked to Renegade, helped him up.

"I'm fine." Renegade said and tried to shove Batman off.

He got up slowly and looked at the heroes, who where also looking at him but now, with pity in their eyes.

"Just leave. Please." Renegade said, noticing the others' looks. 

The heroes looked at each other before turning back and leave.

Batman looked back at Renegade one last time before leaving and he wondered. Was this the right thing to do?

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