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Third P. O. V

The clouds seem to be sad as they gather around and let their sadness fall over and hit the ground.  The loud rumbling of thunder startles the male who is trying to sleep which is rather difficult.

Taehyung sighs as he shifts around the bed, trying to find the comfortable position where the sleep hits him and he can finally have some rest but he can't.

An exhausted groan leaves from Taehyung's throat, the male sits up and turns the light on. He makes his way towards the window where the curtains are flying due to strong strokes of wind.

Standing in front of the window, Taehyung let's the wind touch his face, eyes closed and lips parted.

Eyes flutter open only to be disappointed when they can't find what they are searching for--the moon.

Rain is Taehyung's favorite weather, where the rain drops cleanse his body, his heart which keeps burning from a sudden weight.

"What am I suppose to do now" this question is raised for himself, Taehyung feels a sudden emotion hitting he to which he is completely unaware of.

"how am I suppose to confront him" This question keeps raising in his mind as he feels his sight turn blurry from the tears brimming in his almond shaped eyes.

Gulping the lump in his throat as shifts his gaze towards the sky where the darkness surrounds the area.

Without the shine of the moon there is no light, no hope for anything.

"What if I told you I like you, will things turn better or only fall apart" Taehyung let's out a shaky sigh, his chest heaving up and down as the burden in his chest only gets heavy.

Taehyung doesn't sleeps that night, so does Jeongguk. Maybe sleep was never made for this night which is filled with sorrow, regret and sadness. Even the clouds shower them with their drops to express their sympathy for them, covers the moon because it's the rule.


Taehyung stares at his phone which is ringing, the caller name flashes on the screen - - maybe that's why he isn't picking it up.

It's Jeongguk.

Taehyung let's his worst imaginations conquer his mind and make him a coward. He has been avoiding the model since past one week not because he doesn't want to see him - - - the actual reason scares Taehyung ;he let's his fear control him.

Maybe because Taehyung isn't ready to find the answer for Jeongguk's question.

Jimin being an keen observer, notices the sudden change in Taehyung and isn't surprised when he gets to face the cold side of Jeongguk--more like the frustrated side of Jeongguk.

"Invite him" Jeongguk orders, as he stands in front of the huge window of his office from which Seoul shines brighter, used to of the beautiful view.

"But it's an business meeting what will he do there?" Jimin asks in confusion as the ravenette turns around, cocks his brow up.

"Do what you are said for" Jeongguk replies coldly as he goes back to staring the view, hears the sigh released by Jimin.

"he is my cousin, I need to know why is he being called for" Jimin says, voice bold and confident.

"Think of it as a glorious chance for Taehyung's career. We will have many important guests and they can offer Taehyung to work under their company" Jeongguk explains briefly and Jimin knits his brows together from the sudden information.

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