Chapter 33-Hello, Commander Vizsla

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You and Kaiden sat in silence as the ship flew through hyperspace. Kaiden glanced over at you, every few minutes to check on you, but other than that, you had no interaction with each other.

Finally, Kaiden looked over at you and spoke into the silence.
"What was his name?"
You looked at him.
"The clone," he said. "The one who saved you."
"Oh," you looked at the helmet. "Knot, his name was Knot."
"What was he?" Kaiden asked. "Was he just a normal trooper or did he have a higher rank?"
"He was the commander of the Kamino protection unit," you said.
"Sounds like a good clone," Kaiden said.
"The best," you agreed.

"So where are we going?" He asked.
"You'll see," you muttered.
Kaiden nodded and stayed silent for the rest of the ride.


When the ship came out of hyperspace, you stared at the planet in front of you.

"Oh, this was a bad idea," you muttered.
"Why?" Kaiden asked.
"Once again, you'll see," you assured him.

Kaiden began to fly the ship towards the large planet in front of you.
As the planet got closer and closer, you got more nervous. As Kaiden flew over the forests, you watched the ground until you saw a small base filled with soldiers, one of which you recognized.

"Land over there," you told Kaiden, pointing to the base.
"Why not the city?" He asked.
"Just land there," you said.
"Whatever you say," Kaiden turned around and flew closer and closer to the ground until you felt a soft bump followed by the ramp opening.

"Let's go meet the soldiers," you said sarcastically, putting on your helmet.
"Okay," Kaiden said. "Do you know these guys?"
"I know a few," you said. "They might not remember me though."
"That's reassuring, what if they shoot us?" He asked putting his helmet on.
"You have a lightsaber, use it," you replied.

Kaiden chuckled as you walked into the light. One of the soldiers walked up to you and put a hand on his blaster.
"What do you want, Mando?" He asked.
"Figures," you said. "I doubted you'd recognize me with this on."
You took off your helmet and the soldier was taken by surprise.

"Hello, Saw," you said. "It's been a while."
Saw Garrera held out his hand and you shook it.
"Hey (y/n)," he said, still in shock. "It really has, but welcome back to Onderon."

"Who is this, (y/n)?" Kaiden popped his head out from behind you.
"Kaiden, this is Saw Garrera, one of the first Rebels on Onderon," you told your brother. "Saw, this is Kaiden, he's my brother."
"Nice to meet you," Saw shook Kaiden's hand.
"Back at you," Kaiden replied.

"How are your soldiers?" You asked.
"We were doing really well," Saw said. "But now the war is over, we can live in peace again."
"All the Jedi were killed," you said. "We're fugitives of the Republic."
"They were?" Saw was shocked. "Why? How?"
"I'll explain, but not here," you said looking at the other soldiers. "We should go somewhere else."
"Yeah," Saw agreed. "Come on."

You and Kaiden followed Saw to a small structure.
"This is new," you observed.
"Yeah," Saw said. "We got some upgrades."
You nodded and followed him inside. 

When you entered the building, you looked around, eyes adjusting to the darkness. Your eyes finished adjusting and you looked around. In the middle of the room, there was a holotable. Saw stood next to it, and you and Kaiden joined him.

"So, fill me in," Saw said.
"After the Siege of Mandalore, I was supposed to head back to Coruscant, but when I arrived the clones were acting strange," you started. "I approached one of them and he shot at me. It was Skip, I knew him too."

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