Chapter 14

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You watched the ship leave Onderon. Ahsoka was ordered to monitor them alone. You had to go back to the temple and teach younglings.

You remembered what you said to Ahsoka behind a tree before you left.

"Ahsoka, I'm sorry about Lux," You had told her.

"It's okay, I love you, not Lux," Ahsoka said before kissing you.

You hugged her before you heard Obi-Wan call out your name. "Bye Ahsoka, I love you too," You said running towards your master.

You wished you could have stayed with Ahsoka. Steela and Lux's relationship was growing and you could tell Ahsoka was bothered by it.

Saw also had a habit of asking Ahsoka for help, which pissed you off. And then, there was just Lux himself.

You did not approve of him, and even though Ahsoka always asked you to be nice. Well you weren't going to forgive him for kissing Ahsoka yet. You were not happy to be leaving.

"(Y/n)?" Obi-Wan said. "Can you help me?"

"Yes Master, I'll be right there," You said running over to him.

"Thank you, I just need your help to tune up the ship a little, because we need to got back to Coruscant fast," Obi-Wan said.

"Um Master? Couldn't a droid do it?" You asked.

"Yes but I want you to do it," Obi-Wan said.

You nodded, not wanting to disobey him as you looked at the control panel.

"So I see you and Ahsoka have gotten very close," Obi-Wan said casually.

You froze and looked at him. "You didn't really want me to fix this, you just wanted to talk,"

"Interesting accusation," Obi-Wan smiled.

"Ahsoka and I have been friends since before we became Padawans," You said.

"Yes, but you both have gotten so close this past year, I mean you both recently turned 16," Obi-Wan directed your attention away from the panel.

"Yeah, so?" You asked hoping he wouldn't ask you about attachments.

"Come on Obi-Wan, leave the kid alone," Anakin said walking up to you. "You don't have to fix that,"

You nodded and stepped away from the panel.

"In fact, we're almost at Coruscant," Rex said.

"Thanks Rex," You said as you began to walk to the exit.  You wanted to be first off this ship. You didn't need Obi-Wan's lectures.

When the ship landed, you jumped off and ran to see the younglings.  You met a few when you became a padawan, but you weren't close with any of them. 

When you got to the room, Master Yoda was talking to them about the Gathering.  You remembered when you and Ahsoka found your kyber crystals.

"Hello Master, sorry to interrupt but I believe I'm supposed to talk about how I found my crystal?" You walked in and turned to Master Yoda.

"Correct that is," Master Yoda pointed his walking stick at you and motioned to the younglings to sit down and listen.

You sat down in front of them and began to speak.

"Well it started off when I was about your age," You said. "I was super nervous and didn't know what to do, but as you know, I had some pretty great younglings with me.  When we started looking, I wasn't sure where to go and I got really scared.  I almost gave up hope, when Padawan Tano, she told me to keep looking and it really helped me learn to never give up." You finished.

"Wow, Padawan Tano is really cool!" The youngling Petro said.

"Well your in luck, she's taking you to get your crystals," You said grinning.

"Are you guys friends?" Katooni, another youngling asked.

"We've been close friends since that day," You said.
Sometimes too close you said in your head.

"Any other questions?" You asked.

"Can we see your lightsaber?" All of the younglings asked at once.

You looked at Master Yoda for approval and he nodded.

"Okay," You said as you ignited the blade. "Now these are super dangerous, so everyone be careful when you get yours," You warned.

Gungi, a Wookiee growled in agreement.

You made them stand in a line as you let each of them hold your lightsaber for a second.

"Now, all of yours will be personalized to fit you," You explained to each of them.

"Get some food, you should," Master Yoda said suddenly getting up. "Say goodbye, everyone."

Petro gave you back your saber and you deactivated it and hung it at your waist. "Good luck younglings," You waved goodbye as you left.

When you arrived at the mess hall, you got some food and noticed Barris sitting at a table.

"Can I sit here?" You asked.

"Of course," Barris blushed.

You began to eat when Barris suddenly said, "Have you ever wondered about dating someone?"

"N-no, why?" You asked.

"It's just sometimes I wonder about the whole no dating thing and I wish we could date," Barris said.

"N-no. I think we're good with this whole no dating thing, y-you know?" You said nervously.

"Yeah I guess so," Barris looked down frowning.

"Well I'm probably going to go back to my room," You said getting up. "Bye,"

You walked back to your room and saw Fives on the way.

"Hey Fives," You said.

"Commander," Fives said suddenly straightening.

"You don't have to be so formal when we bump into each other," You reassured him.

"Sorry, it's my nature," Fives said smiling.

"It's fine, I'll see you later buddy," You waves and walked away.

When you arrived at your room, you laid on your bed and curled up instantly falling asleep.

Hey so I know this episode is a little rushed but it's past midnight and I can't see straight. (Literally. Send help) really wanted to finish this for y'all. Thanks for coming to another TED Talk.

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