Chapter 30-Knot

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You walked through the halls of the Jedi temple nervously. It had been almost a year since you got your lightsaber and a new war had broken out between the Republic and the Separatists.  You turned your lightsaber in your hands over and over again, this weapon will save your life countless times.  You were so distracted by the lightsaber that you didn't see that a clone was standing in your way.

"Ouch," you mumbled, bumping into the clone.
"Hey kid," he said. "Sorry about that."
"No problem," you said. "I was distracted, and I bumped into you."

The clone smiled and you looked up at him.
"You're one of the new clones, right?" You asked.
"Yeah," he said. "I'm Knot."
"I'm (y/n)," you said shaking hands with him.
"I have to report to my Commander, but I'll see you around kid," Knot smiled, and he ran off.

You smiled to yourself, knowing you made a new friend.


You got on the gunship to go down to Christophsis and looked up to see a familiar face.
"Knot!" You said happily.
"Hey Kid!" Knot smiled and ruffled your hair.
"This is Ahsoka!" You said. "Her and I are now Padawans!"
"Nice job kid," Knot said. "You'll be the greatest Jedi in the galaxy one day."

You grinned and gave him a hug, before you looked up at him.
"Aren't you supposed to be helping the Admiral?" You asked.
"Technically, yes," Knot admitted. "But my orders were to escort you down to Christophsis."
"Then that's good," you said smiling as the ship flew through space.

Finally the ship landed and you turned to Knot.
"I'll see you soon!" You smiled.
"See you kid," Knot gave you a high five before you walked off the ramp to begin your new life.


Knot, Rex, Wolffe, Fives, Echo, and Jesse all sat around in a circle in the barracks. They were all going back to Kamino soon, but they had to settle something first.

"Okay, Rex" Fives said. "How long do you think?"
"I'm gonna go with about two months," Rex said after thinking for a moment. (Or however long the span of season 3 is)
Fives nodded and turned to Knot.
"What about you?" He asked.
"I think it'll happen when they turn sixteen," Knot said confidently.
"Confidence," Echo said. "Let's hope it serves you well."
"Come on, (y/n) is one of my best friends," Knot smiled.
"Yeah, but I know both of them," Rex said.

"Who do you know?" Cody asked walking in.
"We're betting on how long it will take before (y/n) and Ahsoka start dating," Fives said. "Wanna place one?"
"Oh I'm in," Cody said. "What do I have to bet?"
"Anything more than ten credits," Jesse said. "I bet twelve."
"I bet ten," Rex said. "I'm playing it safe."

"I'm going to pull a Rex," Cody said placing ten credits into the small pile.
"You better hope you win," Echo said. "Knot bet fifteen."
"He really is confident," Cody nodded. "I bet that they're already dating and we just don't know yet."
"I doubt it, but you do you," Jesse shrugged.

"Come on," Knot said. "We have to put these credits somewhere safe and go to the mission, in about a year and a half, I'll get my money."
"Keep dreaming Knot," Rex laughed as the seven clones left the barracks to go home.


You stood next to your Master as he faced his troops.
Obi-Wan was giving them all orders, which was pretty boring considering you didn't get to give them, nor did you receive any. You decided to go see Anakin.

"Hey," you walked up to him.
"Shouldn't you be with Obi-Wan?" Anakin asked.
"I was, but it got too boring," you smirked.
"Clearly," Anakin smirked back at you.

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