Chapter 31-Back Home

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You hovered in space, above Coruscant as you debated where to go.
You couldn't go back to Mandalore. There were still a few remaining clones still there and you didn't want to hurt any more of the soldiers you once called friends.

You put your head in your hands. All the Jedi, gone. Anakin, Obi-Wan, Master Windu, Master Yoda, Master Plo, Ahsoka. You shook your head. Ahsoka could be dead as of now. Any clone could have killed her, Rex, could have killed her. You'd never see her again.

You thought to yourself for a second before looking at the Mandalorian helmet resting next to Knot's on the seat next to you.
"I guess I'm going home," you said inputting the coordinates for Concordia in the navicomputer.

The ship jumped into hyperspace, flying to a known, yet unknown destination.


The ship emerged from hyperspace as Concordia loomed in front of you. You were nervous, no doubt. You hadn't returned home since you were eight. Surely your house was abandoned.

You landed the ship in front of your old house and walked out into the air. You brought your helmet, just in case things got messy.

You walked up to the front door and stared at it with longing. What if dad never turned, what if I wasn't a Jedi? What if everything went back to normal? That last question stuck in your brain. Truthfully, it never left your brain, it was always there, in the back of your head.

You were about to open the door when you felt a tugging in the force. You sensed a dark presence in the house.
"Who?" You asked quietly.
You decided to listen to your instincts, so you snuck in through a window that was broken.

You walked quietly through the house before you felt it again. The dark presence that felt strangely familiar, and it was coming from behind you.

You ignited your lightsaber and pointed it at the figure in front of you. You smirked thinking you had the upper hand, but it disappeared when you looked down and saw the red blade of energy, pointed at your throat.

"Jedi?" The figure asked.
"Sith?" You asked.
The Sith, took off his hood revealing a Mandalorian helmet, identical to yours.
"Who are you?" You asked.
"I could ask you the same thing," he said.

"Let's both remove our lightsabers, Sith," you eyed the Sith.
"I'm not a Sith," he said.
"You have that," you pointed to his lightsaber.
"I used to be, but I was just a pawn, so I abandoned them," he said.

You stared at him and slowly lowered your lightsaber. He did the same.
"Why do we have the same armor?" You asked.
"Why are you asking me?" He said.
"What are you doing here anyway," you said. "This is my house."

The no-longer-a-sith looked at you.
"This is your house?" He asked.
"Well it used to be," you said. "I lived here with my parents when I was little."
"Who are you?" He asked, shocked.
"I'm Commander—General—"you paused. "Pada—I'm (y/n)." You sighed, you lost all of your titles after you were accused of treason or whatever made the clones want to kill you.

"That took a while," he said. "Got a last name?"
"Why don't you tell me your name too?" You challenged.
"Fine," he put his hands up in surrender. "My name is Kaiden."
"Alright last names," you said. "(L/n)." You didn't trust this guy, so you lied.
"Bowers, but it's not my real one, it was given to me by Count Dooku and Darth Sideous," Kaiden said.

"What's your real last name?" You asked.
"I don't know," he said. "Apparently, I'm from Concordia, so I came here for answers and I found this."

Kaiden took out a small projector.
"What's on it?" You asked, curious.
"A picture, I found it in a compartment," Kaiden said.
"Here?" You asked.
"Yeah," he said.

Kaiden turned the projector on and a photo flashed in front of you. In the picture stood, your father, your mother, you and a kid that looked about five or six. The other kid had short dark brown hair that was neatly parted to the side, he had dark eyes that matched your mother's eyes. (H/l), (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes you were staring at your younger self. You were in your father's arms, and from the way you looked, you could tell that you were about three or four.

"I don't understand," you said. "My parents never showed me that, or told me about having an older brother."
You looked at the hologram one more time.
"I've never seen him before, nor do I know anyone who looks like him," you said.

Kaiden set the projector on a table and put his hands to the sides of his helmet.
"That's about to change," he said.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"You'll see," Kaiden lifted the helmet revealing his face.

You stared at Kaiden in shock. Sure he looked almost nothing like the kid in the hologram when you looked at the right side of his face, but the left side, you could see the similarities. Your eyes darted back to the right side of his face. Scars and burns covered the entire side of his face. His eye looked more faded too, but he tried to hid it with his longer hair, almost like Anakin's, but longer in the front.

"What happened to you?" You asked.
"Well, we're probably siblings, so I might as well tell you," Kaiden said. "Although, it might just be easier to show you."

"Show me?" You asked.
"Yeah, like a force vision," Kaiden explained.
"Okay," you took off your helmet and faced him. "Show me."

Kaiden nodded.
"Gladly," he reached out and placed his hand on your forehead, and you felt yourself slipping away from reality.

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