Siege of Clan Vizsla Part 4 FINALE

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Previously on Siege of Clan Vizsla

"Get the fuck away from my fiancée."


You glared at Gale as his face drained of all color at the sight of your face. You were more than angry, everything the Jedi Order had taught you was gone the second that son of a bitch kidnapped your future wife.

"(Y/n)!" Ahsoka exclaimed.
"Hey 'Soka," you said, calming down for a moment before Gale decided to make his move.

The traitor shot at you with his blaster but underestimated your agility and watched as you deflected the laser with one swift movement of your lightsaber.

You then charged at him with your lightsaber in one hand and your blaster in the other. Gale misinterpreted your actions as he flew into the air with his jet pack. Smirking, you slid under his legs and popped up next to Ahsoka's prison.

Knowing how the Jedi prisons worked, you pushed the button that would release her and turned to face Gale again as he bore the look of shame due to his actions.

"Wow, isn't it the job of a soldier to know his enemy?" You taunted. "Whoever made you in charge of whatever shit you do clearly was not in their right mind."

Gale was fuming with anger and Ahsoka's hand on your shoulder was able to calm you enough, allowing you to think clearly, like a Jedi.

"You're dragging our good name through the mud," Gale snapped back. "A Jedi should never be allowed to rise to power in a Mandalorian Clan, it's a whole lot of bullshit!"

You and Gale charged at each other. Gale had the high ground, but you had something better. The force. You used your advantage to push Gale back with one hand as you spun your lightsaber in your other hand.

"Sorry buddy," you said with fake sympathy. "But this is gonna hurt."

You pushed out with all your might, sending Gale flying through the wall of his quarters into the training area that happened to be built right next door.

You and Ahsoka walked through the large hole in the wall, hesitating for a moment once you noticed the gathering soldiers that must've been loyal to Gale, but the both of you continued on, having dealt with worse in the Clone Wars.

"Only two Jedi?" Gale sneered. "This will be easy."

You smirked and stood your ground a few feet away from Gale. Ahsoka was behind you, along with a few Mandalorians that were loyal to you, including Ruby's mother.

"Yeah it will," you shot back. "For us."

Gale's group of traitors charged forward towards your group of loyal soldiers.
"We'll meet them at the middle," you told your group. "Let's make our ancestors proud!"

Your group ran towards the traitors, meeting them in the middle as you and Gale faced off against each other. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Ahsoka fighting Tira. Gale shot at you with his blaster and you blocked it in the direction of another traitor, killing him.

You and Gale shot at each other nonstop, it was as if nobody else was around you. Gale was shooting from the air, putting his jet pack to use. If you wanted to beat him, you had to get him back on solid ground.

You quickly shot out his jet pack, making Gale fall to the ground. You smirked as you approached his groaning figure.

"As my Master would always say, if you can't have the high ground, neither can your opponent," you told him, lifting your lightsaber above your head.

With one quick slash, you sliced off one of his legs, causing Gale to howl in pain.

"Do you surrender?" You asked lifting your lightsaber again.
"Never!" Gale spit blood at you.

You shrugged and wiped some blood off of your armor.
"Works for me," you slashed down again, stabbing him in the shoulder, it wasn't fatal, but it could be.

You looked around and saw that Ahsoka had stabbed Tira with a big smirk on her face and most of the traitors were either dead, or fleeing.
"(Y/n) do it!" Ahsoka yelled.
You nodded and stabbed him again through the heart, killing Gale.

The loyal Mandalorians cheered and you ran over to Ahsoka and kissed her before bringing her into a big hug.

"We did it!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah, we did," you said happily. "Now all we have to worry about is getting married."

Ahsoka laughed lightly before kissing you again. Once more, everything was perfect. It was over.


Well that's it and now we just have to wait till after Mandalorian season 2! See you all then! Also sorry if this was a little rushed, I felt bad about making you all wait a week until this was ready. Can't wait for Mando season 2!

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