Chapter 29-Sacrifice

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Oh shit it's about to get real

You landed on Coruscant and looked around. Everything looked the same, which made you smile. You ran into the temple to find your master.

Obi-Wan had to be back by now, Ahsoka too. You walked through the empty halls until you saw a clone with his back to you.
"Trooper," you said.
The Clone turned to you revealing who he was.
"Skip," you said to the rookie clone.
"Good soldiers follow orders," he muttered.

You stopped as his eyes watched you with fear, before his face scrunched up with anger.
"Good soldiers follow orders!" He grabbed his blaster and shot at you.

You ignited your lightsaber, deflecting shots away from you. You tried to deflect them away from Skip, you didn't want to hurt him.

One of his shots hit your shoulder, creating a black, smoking gash in your armor. Luckily, you weren't injured by it, but the impact threw you off balance, so when Skip fired another blast, it deflected off your blade and hit him in the chest.

You stared at him sadly, but a voice made your head jerk up.
"Jedi!" A clone yelled.
Three clones ran over and began to shoot at you. Deflecting the shots, you ran backwards, out of the temple and back to your ship.

You tried to lose the clones, but they were skilled. It was too hard.  You took out your blaster and set it to stun, and began to shoot at the clones. You only wanted to knock them out, not kill them. You hit one, two, the last clone moved closer as you fired shots at him, while deflecting his with your lightsaber.

"Stop!" You ordered. "Don't you know who I am?"
"Jedi!" He wailed. "Kill the Jedi!"
You used the force to push him back as you used your jet pack to fly away, back to your ship.

When you landed in your ship, you turned it on and tried to get away from the temple, but the clone shot out your power generator. You cursed and jumped into the air, hovering over the clone.

You used the force to try to identify the clone, you wanted to know who he was and what happened.
You shook your head, you'd have to use a scanner on his forearm to see his birth number.

You finally hit him with your blaster, knocking him unconscious. You landed and ran up to him, kneeling at his side. Taking out your scanner, you scanned his arm and a hologram popped up.

"CT-3677," you read aloud. "Nicknamed, Knot, Commander of the protector legion for Kamino."
You took off his helmet and stared at the clone, the familiarity of the specific marks on his face caused you to slip away from reality into a vision, or a flashback...


You looked up at the clone.  He smiled at you and pat your head, before he walked away to join his brothers.  You realized that the clone in the vision was the same clone that you just shot.

You also noticed that you were surprisingly shorter. In fact, you felt younger too.  You ran up to the clone and gave him a high five, before a ramp opened. You walked out into an all-too familiar situation.

You finally identified when this flashback was. It was when you first met your Master.  You and Ahsoka introduced yourselves to Obi-Wan and Anakin.

Suddenly, the vision changed to a different battle.  Clones were running around shooting droids. You were standing on a balcony, blocking shots from droids.  You were vastly outnumbered. Suddenly, a small group of clones ran over shooting down the droids.

You high fived one of them as he took off his helmet. It was the same clone as before. You smiled at him and you put an arm on his shoulder.

It finally dawned on you. Commander Knot was the clone that was always there for you. No matter what, he'd rush into battle for you.  All the memories flashed in front of you of the countless times he sacrificed himself to save you.

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