Chapter 27-Another Broken Promise

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You followed the trooper into the underground tunnels until it opened up to reveal a number of clones. You and Ahsoka hurried over to one of the troopers that was sitting up. Ahsoka kneeled down next to him and took his hand.

"Commander," he coughed out.
"I'm here," Ahsoka said. "Sterling, isn't it?"
"Yes," he coughed.
"What happened?" You asked still standing.
"Maul went through us one by one," he said. "He wanted to know more about you." Sterling pointed at Ahsoka.
"Go on," Ahsoka said.
"Then he found the ARC Trooper, Jesse," Sterling coughed again. "He could tell Jesse was older, looked through his mind, and he took him! He took Jesse alive!" Sterling coughed one more time and he went silent.

Ahsoka stood up and faced you.
"We have to find him," you said.
"I know," Ahsoka said.
"Are you okay?" You asked.
"Can you hold me?" She asked.
You nodded and hugged her. Ahsoka leaned in a buried her head in your chest.

You closed your eyes, but they shot open when your comm started beeping.
"Command—General Vizsla here," you said still unfamiliar with your new title.
"(Y/n) come to the palace entrance," Bo's voice was stern.
"Come on 'Soka," you said. "Rex you come too." You said as you passed the Commander.


As you walked over to Bo, you noticed that her expression was determined as she watched her people from the balcony.

You, Ahsoka, and Rex joined her as she watched her people being moved away from the battle areas. Bo picked up her helmet and walked away from the balcony.

"This occupation cannot last much longer. The people will not stand for it," Bo said. "I will not stand for it."

"You asked for our help," Rex said. "My men don't want to be acting as a police force."
"The Republic forces will depart once we capture Maul," Ahsoka said. "Then you will have your opportunity to lead." You all walked into the throne room.
"I agree," someone said.
You stared at the last man you wanted to see.

"Maul," you said and your fists clenched.
Bo glared at Maul and grabbed her blaster running at him. She shot a few times, but Maul used the force to deflect them into the walls.

He used the force to choke her before speaking.
"My lady, is that any way to treat your rightful ruler?" He said before dropping her. You, Rex, and Ahsoka ran up to her.

"And now, as a show of good faith, I return your comrade in arms to you," Maul said and undid Jesse's handcuffs. "Run along. There you go. Back to your brothers."

Jesse slowly walked over to you with a look of shame.
"Are you alright Jesse?" Rex asked putting his hands on Jesse's shoulders.
"I'm sorry, Commander. I couldn't help it," Jesse said to Ahsoka. "I told him everything."
"It's okay," Ahsoka put her hand on Jesse's shoulder before turning to Rex. "Rex get him out of here."

Rex nodded and led Jesse away.
You heard an explosion and looked outside. Explosions dotted the sky.
"Uh, one of you might want to deal with that," Maul said.

Ahsoka turned to Bo.
"You should go. Your people need you," she said to Bo.
Maul got up. "Don't stay on my account.  We'll be fine,"
Bo looked from Maul, to you, to Ahsoka.
"Go," Ahsoka said.
Bo nodded and ran out of the palace putting on her helmet and you and Ahsoka turned to face Maul.

"(Y/n)," Ahsoka said. "I mean you too."
"No," you said. "I'm not going to just leave you!"
"Please," Ahsoka said.
"I'm staying by your side until the end," you took her hand.

Maul watched as the Mauldalorians fought the clone troopers.
"Look at them," he sighed. "So blissfully ignorant."
"Care to tell me what this is all about?" Ahsoka finally asked. "Or would you rather save it for the Council?"

Maul chuckled and faced you and Ahsoka.
"Oh, no, no. You are the one I wish to speak with," He said as he walked away from the window, and you took a step in front of Ahsoka to protect her. "Were you not cast out of your Order?"

"I left voluntarily," Ahsoka said.
"Yes, but you were motivated to leave by the hypocrisy of the Jedi Council," Maul said. "We were both tools for greater powers.

"Don't compare yourself to her," you said.
"Who is this?" Maul asked.
"I am General (y/n) Vizsla. You murdered my father," you said clenching your fist and Ahsoka put her hand on your shoulder.
"Why is this thing here?" Maul asked your girlfriend.
"Because (y/n) is incredibly stubborn and won't leave," Ahsoka said.
" And I assume this Jedi is here to kill me?" Maul said.

"I'm here to bring you to justice," Ahsoka said.
"Justice is merely the construct of the current power base.  A base, which, according to my calculations, is about to change," Maul said and you reached for your lightsaber.

"And Darth Sidious is behind it?" Ahsoka asked.
"He is behind everything," Maul said. "In the shadows, always.  But soon, very soon, he will reveal himself."
"With your help, the Jedi can stop Sidious before it's too late,"
"Too late for what?  The Republic to fall?" Maul asked. "It already has and you just can't see it!  There is no justice, no law, no order, except for the one that will replace it!  The time of the Jedi has passed. They cannot defeat Sidious. But, together, you and I can."

Ahsoka looked down.
"(Y/n), leave now," Ahsoka said.
"But—," you started.
"Just go!" Ahsoka said.
"Be careful," you said. "I love you 'Soka!" You yelled before you took off towards the fight.

"Shit," you mumbled. "Shit, shit, shit," you had promised that you'd never leave her side. And yet, it was just one more promise to her you had broken.

Happy 20k reads guys!!! I'm giving you all one chapter so enjoy!

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