Chapter 64- Kryze

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You sat on a large rock as you stared across the no longer icy lake on Krownest. You were bored, Sabine was asked to lead an assault on Mandalore in the place her father was being kept, but Ursa asked you to stay on Krownest just in case they needed some "extra backup".

You turned as Sabine approached you, with your grandfather's lightsaber hanging on her belt.
"Hey," she said sitting on a rock across from you.
"Hi," you mumbled.

You picked up a flat stone and threw it across the lake, watching as it skipped four times before sinking to the bottom.
"Not bad," Sabine said.
You grumbled in response.

Sabine watched you for a moment before standing up.
"I'm sorry my mother won't let you come to Mandalore," she said. "You would've earned us a guaranteed victory."
"Thanks, I guess," you said getting ready to skip another stone.
"Maybe you could use the time to strengthen your bond with Ahsoka?" Sabine shrugged.

You looked at her with shock as the stone you just skipped plopped into the water, barely achieving one skip.
"How'd you know about that?" You asked.
"I heard you and my mother talking about it," she shrugged. "Also there was no way that you came up with your speech by yourself to convince my mother to help the Rebellion."

"How come everyone thinks that I didn't come up with that by myself?" You asked. "I swear! Ahsoka had nothing to do with it!"
"Sure," Sabine laughed. "When was the last time you felt her presence?"
"Not since after the fight on Atollon," you said.
Sabine gave you a look before a voice made you both look up.

"Sabine, it's time to go!" Ezra was running over to where you were sitting.
"Coming Ezra!" Sabine called.
Ezra stopped when he reached you and waved.
"Hey (y/n)," he said. "I hope you'll be able to come over to Mandalore eventually."
"Me too," you nodded.

"Well, we have to go get my father," Sabine said.
"Good luck guys," you said.
Ezra and Sabine waved goodbye before running back up the hill towards the stronghold.

You watched them leave and groaned out of annoyance. You wished that you could've gone with them, but on Krownest, Ursa was in charge. You wanted to try and contact Ahsoka, but you weren't sure if you could get her to come.

After ten minutes of focusing on your girlfriend, nothing happened and you slammed your fist on the rock you were sitting on. Taking another stone from the ground, you skipped it across the lake. It bounced off the surface of the water three times before sinking.

You watched the water ripple, but what shocked you was when you looked to your left, you saw the water splash as if someone skipped another stone, only there was no stone. The invisible stone skipped five times before disappearing.

I got further than you. A voice said in your head.
"Hi 'Soka," you said. "I find it funny that you still have to declare that you're better than me, we've established that."

Ahsoka's shimmering form appeared and your heart skipped a beat.
"I guess that is true," she laughed. "How have you been?"
"I've been fine," you said. "It would've been nice if you checked up on me every now and then, instead I have to wait until you find time to visit me."

Ahsoka's smile faded and she walked closer to you.
"(Y/n), you don't understand," she said. "Ghosts aren't supposed to visit living people, the only reason I can do this is because of our dyad."
"Dyad?" You questioned.
"It's the proper term for our force bond," Ahsoka quickly explained.
"Great," you said. "But even a little sign from you would've been nice, instead I have to sit here and wait."

You stood up, took a stone and threw it at the water instead of skipping it. The stone hit the water with a loud splash.
"I know it's hard to wait but you have to understand, if it were up to me, I'd stay here forever with you, but I can't."

You looked down and let out a yell of frustration before sitting on the rock again.
"Why'd you come?" You asked her quietly.
Ahsoka sighed and sat down next to you. Her form began to fade a little and she grimaced as if someone hurt her.

"What's going on?" You asked with worry in your eyes.
"I can't be here," Ahsoka said. She moved her face to the side as if she was slapped.
You got up and kneeled on the ground in front of her. You reached your hands up to the sides of her face, but when you went to rest them on her cheeks, your hands went right through her form.

"What's happening?" You asked.
"I... I came to say goodbye," Ahsoka said sadly.
"What do you mean goodbye?" You asked confused.
"You know it as well as I do," Ahsoka said as tears began to form in her eyes. "I can't come back anymore."

You watched as tears began to roll down Ahsoka's cheeks and you tried to stop yourself from crying too.
"I know," you said as the tears left your eyes.
Ahsoka looked around for a moment before her eyes went back to you with surprise.
"I get two minutes," she said.
"For what?" You asked.
"To do this."

Ahsoka reached out and placed her hands on your cheeks, but this time her form wasn't that of a ghost, she was real. Her lips connected with yours and you smiled as you pulled her closer to you. For the next two minutes, you would have your 'Soka back.

After the first minute was over, you pulled away from her lips and pulled Ahsoka into a tight hug, not wanting to let her go.
"I love you," you whispered as Ahsoka cried in your arms.
"I love you too ( y/n)," she replied through her sobs. 

Soon, you felt Ahsoka begin to dissolve in your embrace, your girlfriend leaving you.
"I love you," you whispered one last time, but it was pointless, Ahsoka was gone.

You fell to your knees as the tears poured out of your eyes. You hated that Ahsoka had to die, you wished that it was you. Everything that you loved was gone again.

The sound of a jet pack in the distance shook you out of your misery as you jumped off the ground and wiped away the tear stains on your cheeks. You weren't sure who was coming, but it wasn't someone from Clan Vizsla, and most of the warriors from Clan Wren were on Mandalore.

You heard the sound get closer, until it sounded like it was right behind you. The jet pack stopped and you wondered who was standing behind you.

"Hey kid," a familiar voice said. "You're looking old."
You turned around as the familiar face of Bo-Katan Kryze smirked at you.

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