Alternate Chapter 5

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The reader turned to the dark side

You looked yourself up and down from a reflection in the wall of your room. You were given new armor as a gift for joining the Empire. It wasn't like you had a choice, your girlfriend was dead and everything you ever loved was gone. You had also managed to strike a deal with the Emperor and Darth Vader.

Your new armor was the same design as your old one, except for the new colors. The once grey parts were now black and the blue was now red. You had to admit that it looked cool along with your blood red lightsaber. You had even gotten an upgraded blaster and new vambraces with grapple lines, a built in flamethrower, a retractable blade, and small rockets.

You kept you helmet at your side while you made your way to the command center of Darth Vader's Star Destroyer. While you walked through the halls, many Stormtroopers stopped to salut you, before you'd give them a nod in return.

Once you reached the command center, Vader turned around to greet you, along with Admiral Tarkin who gave you a piercing glare.
"Hello (y/n)," Vader said.
"Lord Vader," you greeted him with a short bow to show respect to your superior.
"Excuse me, but shouldn't you be, I don't know, training Stormtroopers?" Tarkin butted in.
"Silence Admiral," Vader raised his hand. "(Y/n), what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

You gave Tarkin a smug look before turning your attention back to Vader.
"I believe you and I had a deal," you said. "I've joined your merry band of knock-off clones, now keep your end of the deal."

Vader nodded and turned to a trooper.
"Go get (y/n)'s ship ready," he said before turning back to you. "The other part of your deal will be here when you return from your trip to Onderon. Admiral please escort (y/n) to the main hangar."

"Surely you can have a Stormtrooper do it," Tarkin complained.
"But I asked you," Vader said.
"Well I can easily ask a loyal sold—"

Tarkin was cut off by Vader's hand that began to lift him into the air choking the Admiral.
"Would you like to repeat that?" Vader asked.
Tarkin managed to shake his head before collapsing to the ground. He took deep breaths as he glared at your smirking face.

Sometimes it was good to be best friends with Darth Vader, or Anakin Skywalker, but he hated being reminded as his old life, so you never brought it up.

"Thank you Lord Vader," you said giving him another small bow before turning and leaving Tarkin on the floor. As you left the command center, you heard clattering footsteps following you as the disheveled Admiral tried to catch up to you.

When he finally did, Tarkin glared and placed his hands behind his back.
"What did you do to have Darth Vader allow you to go to Onderon?" He asked.
You kept your eyes straight ahead as you answered his question.
"Easy, I made a deal, though you were never part of it, I should've called it off the second I saw you on this ship," you said.

Tarkin looked down and you could see him gritting his teeth.
"I think we should just move past our squabbles from the Clone Wars," Tarkin said.
"And why should we?" You looked at him finally.
"Because we could be great partners," Tarkin said.
"But here's the thing," you said. "I don't like you, and I never will."
And with that, you walked away, leaving Tarkin in the hallway, dumbfounded.

Once you reached your ship, you saluted the two Stormtroopers that were waiting near the ramp before walking up the ramp and sitting in the chair.
Almost as if on cue, you got a transmission from Vader, so you answered it.

"(Y/n), Tarkin just returned, I assume you reached the shuttle?" He asked.
"Yeah, I got here fine, though your Admiral wasn't much help," you chuckled.
"I will speak with him after you leave," Vader said. "Good luck on your journey."
You nodded.
"Thanks Anak— I mean Lord Vader," you caught yourself.

You could almost see the face behind the dark mask soften up at the mention of his name, but he didn't mention it.
"Goodbye (y/n)," Vader said before ending the transmission.
After the hologram disappeared, you turned on your ship and flew out of the star destroyer's hangar, preparing your ship for hyperspace. You pushed a button and the space around you vanished as you flew towards the person you hated.


Your ship emerged from hyperspace and you smirked at the thought of what you were about to do to a certain person.

You flew your ship down to the planet until you found a familiar base and landed the ship. A few soldiers ran out at your ship with their blasters raised, ready to kill you. Still smirking, you put on your new red and black helmet before stepping out of the ship, your red lightsaber in your hand, ignited.

The soldiers began to shoot at you, but it was too easy to deflect them. One by one, you sliced through the troops. Finally until you reached a younger kid that must've been fourteen or fifteen.
"Please don't kill me," he begged, crying.
You lowered your lightsaber and looked at the kid.

"Don't worry, I won't," you said. What's your name?"
"Jass," he sniffled.
"Well, Jass," you smiled. "You seem nice."

Jass smiled, but it quickly faded once you slammed your lightsaber through his body, causing the life to drain from his eyes.
"Sorry about that," you said with no emotion.
You dropped Jass' body and continued to walk through the camp.

Suddenly a man ran out and you smiled. Just the person you were looking for. Lux Bonteri looked at you with fear in his eyes and tried to run away but you grabbed him with the force and pulled him towards you.

Once Lux was in your grasp. You pulled off your helmet so he could look you in the eye.
"Hello Mr. Bonteri," you snarled.
"(Y/n)?" Lux asked. "What happened to you?"
"Well I made a nice deal with my good friend Darth Vader, and Emperor Palpatine," you said. "I kill for them and lead their army, I threw away my life, and do you want to know why?"

Lux gave you a terrified look that made you smirk.
"I did it all, to kill you."

You used the force to raise Lux off the ground, choking him the way Vader did to Tarkin earlier. You raised your lightsaber and sliced across his neck, letting the two thumps interrupt the silence that occurred after you cut of the ex-senator's head.

You turned on your heel and left the empty site that used to belong to the Onderon rebels. Now everyone was dead, and you couldn't stop the smile that creeped up onto your face as you made your way back to your ship.


Once you reached Darth Vader's Star Destroyer, you quickly landed the ship and lowered the ramp. Two Stormtroopers were waiting for you, along with Vader himself.

"Lord Vader," you said.
"(Y/n)," Vader responded. "Your second request has been fulfilled, we have brought you what you asked for."

Vader signaled to another Stormtrooper that approached you with a prisoner that was being pulled by his handcuffs. The lizard hissed and snarled but all you did was give it a small smirk that was your signature look for 'I'm going to kill you now'.

"Thank you," you said.
"Of course," Vader nodded. "Why did you request that a Trandoshan would be sent to you?"
"Because of those assholes that captured my girlfriend," you said, still smirking at the lizard.
Vader didn't say anything, but you knew that he understood.
"Have fun, (y/n)," Vader said before walking away with his two escorts.

You nodded before giving your full attention to the Trandoshan.
"This is gonna be a whole lot more fun for me than for you," you said.

And without one more word, you ignited your lightsaber and cut off both of his arms, causing the lizard to hiss in pain. He fell to the ground, just as you went to impale him through the stomach, but because he moved, your lightsaber went a little higher than the lizard's stomach and impaled itself in the Trandoshan's forehead.

You deactivated your lightsaber and the lizard's limp body hit the floor. Blood spattered your armor, but you shrugged it off as you walked out of the hangar. Every Trandoshan that the Empire found would now be brought to you for execution. That was you deal with Emperor Palpatine.

"That was for you 'Soka," you said. "And there will be so many more."

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