Chapter 22-I'm Coming

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Alright guys we did it!! We hit 10k!! And I keep my promises so I'm releasing two more episodes today. God I really am spoiling you guys. Thank y'all so much this means so much to me!!!

That was the only thing you've been saying for the past few hours.  You wanted to go in and bust Ahsoka out, but Bo told you that you'd only end up in a cell too.

"Somethings happening!" One of the other Mandalorians said.
You looked over at the girl who spoke. You didn't know these two ex-Death Watch soldiers as well as Bo, but you already talked a lot with the one who spoke.

Her name was Ursa Wren, you knew about the Wren Clan and respected them because of their habit of blowing stuff up. (Literally. In Rebels, Sabine says it's a Clan Wren specialty.)

You dashed over to where Ursa was keeping an eye on the Pykes and used your helmet to see and hear what was going on inside.

"Give them one rotation to bring the spice to you and if they don't, I'll tell you where their family is." Ahsoka's voice could be heard through your helmet.

You immediately stopped listening and turned away from the building.
"No she didn't," You kept muttering to yourself.
"Care to fill us in?" Bo said.

You looked at her and for once, you were glad that your helmet covered up your whole face, for if they did, all they would see was the terrified eight year old, only now nine years later.

"Ahsoka gave herself up," You said. "She stayed while they let the other two go."
"That makes our job easier," Bo said. "Now we have to wait."

You groaned and sat down on the roof with your arms crossed. You had a blaster, a lightsaber, and The Force.  You could easily take on the Pykes, but you knew it could compromise the safety of Ahsoka, and you still loved her so you stayed put.

"Hey kid," Bo sat next to you. "We can keep watch, you get some rest."
"No, I'm not resting until she's safe with me." You said trying to hide a yawn.
"No, you're going to take a nap," Bo said. "I'll wake you up if something happens."

You nodded still against the idea, but you weren't going to argue, you really were tired. You lay on the roof facing the sky as you drifted off to sleep.


"(Y/n)! Wake up!" You were shaken awake by Ursa.
"What's going on?" You asked groggily.
Ursa pointed over to where Bo was standing.

You got up and walked over to her.
"What's going on?" You asked.
"See for yourself," Bo said.
You put your helmet back on and looked in the direction where Bo was staring.

"Prepare to execute them all!" Marg Krim, the Pyke syndicate leader yelled at his men.
You couldn't make out all the words, but you could clearly tell Ahsoka was arguing with the other two about being a Jedi.

"Come on," Bo said getting down from the roof using her jet pack.
You jumped down and landed perfectly using your Jedi skills.

You all began to walk towards the building when an explosion from the inside caused a huge pile of debris to fall, right onto your ship.

"Shit, Obi-Wan is going to kill me," You said.
"(Y/n), come on," Bo said running towards what must have been her ship. "We have to follow them!"

You looked into the distance and saw Ahsoka climb into a Nebula S-Class Freighter with the two girls. You ran after Bo and followed her onto the transport ship.

"We have to follow them," Ursa said. "Where are they going?"
"Coruscant," You said.

"Time to go reunite with your ex-girlfriend," Bo said as the ship entered hyperspace.


Throughout the entire ride, you couldn't stop fidgeting with your cloak. It eventually became so annoying you just took it off and left it on your seat along with your lightsaber. You didn't want to be fidgeting and ignite the blade.

Bo noticed your actions and turned to you.
"Kid, it's going to be fine," She said. "Don't stress too much."
"This is scary, what am I going to say?" You said.
"I know you'll say the right thing." Bo smiled and turned back towards the control panel.

You were staring at your helmet when you noticed something in the reflection of the lense.
"Oh shit," You said quietly so nobody could hear.

You stared at the two long scars that ran down your face and the small ones on your neck.  Ahsoka didn't know about them and she definitely wouldn't like them.

You turned towards Ursa and she nodded at you. "You got this (y/n)," She said.

"Alright," You said as the ship finally jumped out of hyperspace. "Let's go see Ahsoka."

Sorry about the shorter chapter, but more will be coming, don't worry.

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