Chapter 7

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You laid in your bed longing for Ahsoka to return.

She hasn't been gone long but it felt like forever. But, sulking wouldn't help you, so you forced yourself out of bed and walked to the mess hall.

Once there, you grabbed some food and sat in a table that had a shadow over it. You didn't want people to come over to talk to you because you were not in the mood.

You slowly started to eat and examined your lightsaber while eating. You were so distracted, you didn't sense someone creep up behind you.

Someone put their arms around you and placed their hands over your eyes. You tried to pull off their hands but whoever it was, they had a strong grip.

You finally had enough of the games and used the force to make the person let go. You turned around to see who the Womprat was and looked up.

The Togruta folded her arms as she gave you a stern look.
You shrank back into your seat and stared at her with a small smile on your face.

"(Y/n) Vizsla (l/n), " Ahsoka said. "Did you just used the force on me?"

"Uh, yes?" You said timidly.

She hit you in the head and turned around.

"Well because you don't want to see me apparently, I'm not kissing you anytime soon," Ahsoka began to walk away.

You rolled your eyes and followed her.

"Ahsoka don't do that," You said running after her. "I missed you," You finally caught up to her and put your hand on her shoulder.

"Nope," Ahsoka shrugged your hand off and walked away faster than before.

"'Soka, come back!" You called still chasing her.

"Don't 'Soka me," Ahsoka said back.

She finally reached her room and closed the door. You ran up to it and banged on the door.

"Go away!" Ahsoka said through the door.

You sat next to her door and waited.

No answer.

You sat there for another five minutes.

Still no answer.

You finally got an idea and hoped you could do Anakin expressions.

"Ahsoka, let me in, we have to discuss the mission," You said hoping that it sounded like Anakin.

"Coming!" Ahsoka called and opened the door.

You then grabbed her and pushed her into her room closing the door behind you.

"(Y/n)! Let go of me!" Ahsoka said glaring at you.

"Ahsoka, I said I was sorry!" You said.

Ahsoka elbowed you and tried to walk toward the door but you grabbed her and pushed her against the wall.

Taking advantage of her shock, you leaned down and kissed her pushing her into the wall.

Ahsoka stopped struggling and ran her hands through your hair. You pulled her closer to you and broke the kiss.

You hugged her tightly to make sure she didn't fight you and kissed her forehead. You then looked her in the eye and she smiled.

"I was hoping you'd do that," Ahsoka said burying her face into your chest.

"What do you mean?" You asked her.

"I wanted to see what you'd do if I got mad at you," Ahsoka looked at you again and kissed you. "By the way, your Anakin impression is horrible,"

You smiled at her and you both leaned in again. You wrapped your arms around her small body and she wrapped her arms around your neck.

You knew it was dangerous to be kissing in Ahsoka's room in the middle of the day, because Anakin or anyone actually, could walk in and everything would crumble.

You both pulled away and Ahsoka resumed her glare again.
Shocked you looked at her again.

"I'm still pissed you used the force on me." Ahsoka said.

"Oh god," You put your hand to your head.

"Kidding," She kissed you and walked out of her room leaving your speechless.

"Damn I'm lucky," You said to yourself.

"I heard that," Ahsoka popped her head in. "Also I have another mission so come to the ship with me if you want to say goodbye."

You nodded and ran after her.

Once at the ship, you and Ahsoka went to a dark corner and began to talk.

"...and you'll send me a transmission when you are coming home?" You asked.

"Oh my god your worse than Anakin," Ahsoka kissed you and walked toward her master who was talking to Captain Rex.

"Well what do I do now?" You asked yourself as you watched the ship fly away.

You decided to train in your spare time and walked towards the training grounds.

When you got there, you saw Barris Offee, one of Ahsoka's good friends.

"Hi," You said walking up to her.

"So you're the Mandalorian?" Barris said turning toward you.

"That's me," You shrugged. "I guess that's what I'm known for now,"

"I guess so," Barris laughed.

"I'm probably just going to train," You said removing your cloak.

Barris nodded and resumed her training.

You turned on a training droid and deflected shot after shot away from you.

When you were done, you realized Barris had left and it was dark.  You picked up your cloak and walked back to your room. 

You removed all the armor pieces and laid on your bed.  Of course you missed Ahsoka, she was the person you felt closest to and you never wanted to be without her. 

As you felt tired, you also felt a warning in your gut, Ahsoka is not safe it seemed to tell you.

She had Anakin, she would be fine.  You reassured yourself.  But you were still worried.

You fell asleep praying that Ahsoka was okay.

People, I'm sorry but I had to put Barris in here because at this time, she's Ahsoka's best friend. Just don't worry, she's not in a lot of it.

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