Backstory Chapter 2

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You hovered above Concordia wracking your brain.

Where should you go? You couldn't go to Mandalore because that would be the obvious choice and your father was likely already waiting there for you.

You looked at your hands again. You heard about the force a few times, it was a gift of the Jedi. Tarre Vizsla was a force user too.

"I guess it's in my blood," You mumbled to yourself.

You decided to go find a less popular planet to hide out at. Hopefully you wouldn't need to defend yourself as you realized you left your blasters in your home back on Concordia.

You input coordinates into the navi-computer before jumping into hyperspace. You gazed at the blue all around you, this was your first time traveling through hyperspace, your father never let you visit Mandalore with him.

Suddenly you felt a pull and your ship was in front of a planet. You checked the Navi-computer.

"This is Florrum alright," You said aloud, hoping you didn't sound stupid if you talked to yourself.

You flew over dry desert as you looked for a place to land and think things over.  You found a spot near a cave and landed your ship outside the cave. 

You opened the hatch and walked out into the sunlight.  You walked over to a rock and sat on it before noticing that you were wearing your Mandalorian armor. 

You had a dim memory of not wanting to change the night before so you decided to sleep in the armor.

You glared at the armor and began to remove it piece by piece. You sat there in your dark grey shirt and pants as the sun shone down on you. You stared at the shoulder piece that rested near your foot.

"The force is a powerful weapon," Your father's words rang in your ears.

You remembered that Jedi could move objects with their minds—a fact your father had taught you in the many lectures about Tarre Vizsla.

You held out your hand and tried to lift the shoulder piece with your mind. The sun became hotter as you clenched your eyes shut, beads of sweat were littered on your forehead.

You finally opened your eyes and gasped for air. You then asked yourself why you were holding your breath. You looked down at the piece of armor and just to your luck, it hadn't moved at all.

You rolled up your sleeves and picked up all the armor, bringing it into the ship.

"Maybe I should go get trained," You admitted to yourself. "But not with dad."

You noticed the sky begin to turn orange/pink and walked to the hatch ready to close it. You looked up and stared in shock at the people before you.

"Hey kid," A familiar voice rang out.


"Bo?" You asked the Mandalorian in front of you.

"Come home," She said removing her helmet.

"No, I can't," You said. "I'm not a traitor."

"You will be if you side with Satine," Another voice said.

You glared at the teenager who walked up next to Bo Katan.

"Hey Squirt," Dark hair, dark eyes, Gil Terren.

You hated that kid, he kissed up to every adult but the second they turn their backs, bam!  The biggest jerk in the world.

"Please (y/n)," Bo said. "We can be like a family again."

"No," You said ready to push them off the ramp.

"How did you find me?" You asked.

"Tracker on the ship," Gil said. "You're an idiot for not noticing."

"Gil go eat your pants," Bo snapped back as Gil turned around and walked out of the ship.

"I need you to leave," You said.

"No can do kid," Bo said.

"I'm sorry then," You pushed your hands out hoping you could knock Bo out of the ship. You stared in shock after realizing it worked before closing the hatch and preparing to take off.

You shot off the ground and back into space. You put in random coordinates without looking because you could tell Bo and Gil would catch up. 

You felt your ship jump into hyperspace and you were going on another adventure.

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