Chapter 37-Do You Trust Me?

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You and Rex sat inside the command center joking.  It had been about a week and a half since Kaiden left you on Seelos.
"Wait so Knot actually broke his hand punching a droid in the face?" You laughed.
"Yeah," Rex laughed. "He forgot about his extra blaster he kept just in case he ran out of ammo."
"Classic Knot," you laughed.
"Seriously," Rex laughed.

"Talking about when Knot broke his hand?" Wolffe asked walking in.
"Yeah," Rex said. "He was smarter than he acted though."
"He was," you nodded.
You, Rex, and Wolffe laughed, but were interrupted by Gregor who ran in.

"Captain, Commanders," he said. "We have visitors!"
"Wanna come Commander?" Rex asked getting up.
"No, I'll stay and meditate," you said. "You go ahead."
Rex nodded and ran outside, followed by Wolffe and Gregor.

You sat down on the ground and pulled your lightsaber out of your cloak and laid it at your feet.
You closed your eyes and left reality behind. You felt your lightsaber rise into the air as you lifted it with the force.

You were so engaged in the force, that you didn't noticed Rex and the others come back in until you heard an unfamiliar voice.

"You're a Jedi?" Someone asked.
You opened your eyes and looked at the man. He was younger
than you, but not by much.
"I am," you said grabbing your lightsaber out of the air and standing up.
As you stood up, your cloak fell away, revealing your armor.
"You're Mandalorian too?" A girl next to the man asked.
"Yeah," you said.

The girl looked at you with surprise.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"This is General—er, Commander (y/n) Vizsla," Rex said.
"You're (y/n) Vizsla?" The girl asked. "You took part in the Siege of Mandalore, with my mother!"
"Wren?" You asked her.
"How'd you know?" She asked.
"You look like Ursa," you said. "What's your name?"
"I'm Sabine, this is Kanan," she pointed to the man from earlier. "This is Ezra, and Zeb."

"Hi," you nodded to each of them.
"Hi!" The boy, Ezra said smiling.
You smiled at him and faced Rex. You gave him a look that said, what are they doing here?
Rex nodded to you.

"They've come to seek aid in their rebellion against the empire," Rex said. "Also they mentioned a name and I think you'd want to hear this."
He nodded to Kanan.

"We're friends of a Jedi you might know," Kanan said. "Do you maybe know the Jedi, Ahsoka Tano?"
You dropped your lightsaber and looked at him.
"What did you just say?"
"He said Ahsoka Tano," Ezra said.
"Holy crap," you sat back down. "Rex? Could she be alive?"
"Oh she is alive," Zeb said. "Trust us."
"I trust Ursa's daughter," you said looking at her.
"It's true, she's alive," Sabine nodded.

You gasped and smiled to yourself.
"Nice job 'Soka," you whispered to yourself.
"What?" Ezra asked.
"Nothing," you shrugged.
"(Y/n), why don't you keep our guests company, while Wolffe, Gregor, and I get a list of bases that the Rebels could use," Rex suggested.

You nodded and looked over to where Ezra was admiring the clone helmets. He was about to pick up Knot's helmet when Rex opened his mouth.
"I wouldn't touch that one kid," Rex said. "The Commander here gets very protective over it."
"Oh, sorry," Ezra moves away and you led them all out of the room, grabbing your helmet on the way out.

When the door closed, you turned to Kanan.
"So you were a Jedi too?" You asked noticing his hanging lightsaber.
"Yes," Kanan said.
"How old were you when the clones..." you asked.
"I was about fourteen," Kanan said as he looked back to the room where Rex was. "How can you trust them?"
"What do you mean?" You asked him.
"Surely the clones turned on you too," Kanan said. "Why do you trust them?"

You looked down.
"One of my best friends was a clone," you said. "He tried to kill me but I never lost hope and I was able to help him," you looked up at Kanan. "He ended up sacrificing himself to save me."
"So you trust them because of one clone?" Kanan asked.

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