Chapter 21-Mandalorian Business

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You shot out of hyperspace.  Kessel was right in front of you, and so was Ahsoka. 

You flew your ship towards the big palace and landed it, ignoring the guard that hailed you asking for landing permits.

You put your helmet on and made sure your blaster was in it's holster and your lightsaber hanging on your belt.

When you hopped out of the ship, you were greeted by a Twi'lek.
"Hello welcome to Kessel," He said. "How may I help you sir?"
"I'm looking for someone," You said crossing your arms. "I think you can help me."

The Twi'lek gave you a look. "I'm sorry, but we cannot give out private information,"
"It's not private, I know someone who is running spice for you," You took a step towards him. "I just need to know where they are going."

One of the guards stepped forward as the Twi'lek started to stutter.
"I'm sorry, but we cannot reveal our buyers, it is against what we stand for!"

Two guards walked over to you.
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave." One said.

"Fine, I'll do the hard work myself." You pushed the two guards away from you and jumped back into your ship.

As you flew away, you removed your helmet before leaving the atmosphere and hovering over Kessel.

You figured that Anakin would run out of excuses soon and Obi-Wan would start to wonder what took you so long.

"Time to go home," You said inputting coordinates into your navi-computer.  Your ship jumped into hyperspace and just like that, your hunt for Ahsoka was over.


When you landed your ship, Anakin ran up to you followed slowly by Obi-Wan.

"Anything?" Anakin asked hopefully.
You shook your head with disappointment before greeting Obi-Wan.
"Master," You said.
"(Y/n), did you investigate that ship?" Obi-Wan asked.

You froze, confused for a second before you remembered that Anakin used the investigation as an excuse.

"Oh! Uh, yes I did," You quickly recovered from your confusion. "It was just some rookie."
"Well we all were rookies at one point," Obi-Wan sighed.

"I think I'm going to go get some food," You muttered as you walked away from your Master and Anakin.

In the mess hall, you grabbed some ration bars and sat down at a small table. You nodded to some clones you knew as they walked by, but that was it. You weren't in a mood to talk to people.

You quickly finished the bars before rushing out to avoid having to talk to any of the Jedi or clones.

When you walked out of the mess hall, you almost ran into another Jedi.

"Sorr..." You stopped when you saw who it was.
The Cerean looked up at you with shock.
"It's fine," Bors said.

You both stood there awkwardly before Bors finally broke the silence.
"I'm sorry, by the way," Bors apologized.
"Thanks I guess," You said. "But I just want to know, why?"
"I don't know, I guess I thought that if I made fun of you for getting scared, it would make me look like a strong Jedi or something," Bors said and you nodded.

"Where's Tryr?" You asked after a moment of silence.
"Oh, well Tryr he was killed on a mission," Bors said looking down.
"I'm sorry," you said. "Really, I am."
"It was a long time ago," Bors shrugged.

You and Bors stared at each other before your com link beeped.
"Commander Vizsla," You said.
"(Y/n)? We need you in the briefing room," Obi-Wan said.
"Coming Master," You ended the transmission before nodding goodbye to Bors as you ran off towards the briefing room.

When you ran in, Obi-Wan and Anakin were standing there watching you approach.
"What's going on?" You asked feeling a little self conscious.
"We have a transmission for you," Obi-Wan stepped aside revealing a familiar face in the hologram.

You walked up to the holotable and looked at Bo-Katan Kryze.
"Hi Bo, why did you call?" You asked.
"I need you to come join me somewhere," Bo said glancing at the two Jedi Knights. "Mandalorian business."

You looked at your Master for approval and he nodded.
"Just send me the coordinates," You said. "I'll be there soon."

You quickly ran out to your ship and jumped in. You stared down at your helmet, it lay forgotten on the floor.

"Oops," You said closing the hatch and taking off away from Coruscant.
You quickly input the coordinates Bo sent you, before jumping away into hyperspace.

You used the time you had to call Bo and try to get more information on whatever was going on that led her to calling you.

"Hello?" The hologram of Bo appeared in front of you.
"Hey Bo, I just wanted to know what was going on," You said.
"I figured you would," Bo said. "You know your girlfriend, the one you told me about, that left you and broke up with you?"
"Thanks for that reminder, but yeah." You groaned.
"I think I found her," Bo said. "If you're still looking for her."

You instantly sat up in your seat and stared at Bo with wide eyes.
"You found her?"
"Yeah, just meet me here," Bo sent you her location and you nodded.
"I'll see you very soon," You ended the transmission right as the large planet loomed in front of you.

"Oba Dia?" You asked. "What is Ahsoka doing here?"
You had your own encounter with the Pykes on Mandalore and you were not ready for another one.

You quickly landed your ship in a dark area and put on your helmet and hood. You used your comm to find Bo and used your jet pack to fly up to her.

She was stationed on a roof with two other ex-Death Watch members.
"Took you long enough," Bo said. "There they are."

You followed her gaze and stared in horror as the Pykes surrounded Ahsoka and her companions before holding a blaster to her head.

You stepped forward but Bo stopped you, shaking her head she put her finger to where her mouth would be if she wasn't wearing her helmet.

You watched as the crime syndicate led Ahsoka away, back to her prison cell.

You turned back to the three other Mandalorians.
"Okay, what's the plan?"

Hey guys, so I'm going to start naming the chapters for fun because I'm bored in q*****tine.  Sorry didn't want to say a bad word there. Anyways yay.

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